By Nidhi Jain
Some Interesting Facts and Observations about " Playing Cards "
Did you know that the Traditional Deck of the Playing Cards are a veritable and most ingenious form of a Calendar?
There are 52 weeks in the year and so are 52 Playing Cards in a Deck.
There are 13 weeks in each Season and thus there are 13 cards in each suit. 
There are 4 Seasons in a Year and 4 Suits in the Deck. 
There are 12 Months in a Year so there are 12 Court Cards (Those with faces namely Jackdo Queens with The King in each suit) 
The Red Cards represent the Day, while the Black Cards represent the Night.
If you let
Jacks = 11, Queens = 12, and the Kings = 13, then add up all the sums of 1 + 2 + 3 + …to 13 = 91. Multiply this by 4, for the 4 Suits, therefore 91 x 4 = 364, Add 1 that is the Joker and you will arrive at the number 365 being the Days in a Year? 
Is that a mere coincidence or a greater intelligence ?
Of interest is the sum of the letters in all the names of the cards; eg :
add up the letters in "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King" = 52 !
The Spades indicate Ploughing / Working.
The Hearts indicates Love thy crops. 
The Clubs indicates flourishing and growth.
The Diamonds indicate reaping the Wealth.
Also, in some card games 2 Jokers are used.Indicating the Leap year.
There is a deeper Philosophy than just a merely a Game of Playing Cards.

I am shocked, perfect Maths
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