Evolution of Internet :
From the early days of ARPANET to today's mobile technologies, the internet serves the large and most diverse community of network users in the enrooting world. The internet started as an experiment in the late 1960s by the advanced research agency (APRA, now called DAPRA) of U.S. Department of Defense. DAPRA experimented with the connection of computer networks by giving grants to multiple universities and private companies to get them involved in the research.
In December 1969, the experimental network went online with the connection of four mode network connected via 56 Kbps circuits. This new technology proved to be highly reliable and led to the creation of two similar military networks, MILNET in the U.S. and MINET in Europe.thousands of hosts and users subsequently connected their private networks ( universities and government) to the ARPANET, thus creating the initial “APRA Internet

A day won't pass in our lives without the use of internet starting from checking the updates from our phones in what’s app, emails, and of course facebook. The usage of internet has a point of paramount significance. On the basis of internet we are able to book cabs from the point of place we are, and book tickets for the movies, book restaurant tables, with one click we are able to transfer the money from one account to another without going to the far places to do the same, online shopping which has become so common these days there are wide variety choices to choose from the place we live rather going to different malls and straining our selves to get the best one of our choice.

When life has become so easy through the usage of the internet it's better if we use the time in a pertinent manner. We can actually make business out these sources, internet has open doors for the online offices and one will be able to contact or get in touch through the sites that have come up recently and domains which we can buy and make the business famous if one is interested in the cooking that person can take orders from online and send them the items to destination, this will reduce the cost of offices that are situated. One can get to do freelancing, which helps to experiment with the creative ideas and internet gives you the platform.
Everything has two sides one is the positive and one is negative it depends on the persons perspective. Technology is certainly a good thing because it has made communication and access to information much easier. It has turned the world into a global village and created a wonderful platform for entrepreneurs who want to expand their enterprises. E-commerce is a business model for the modern world and with the adoption of the right strategies, it can turn a small business into an empire.
BBA Second Year, Bhavan's
By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
BBA Second year, Bhavan's
Twitter: @sowmya_12
#origin of internet
#inetrnet timeline
#internet opputunities
#optimum usage of internet
#wise choices for development