I Gave Birth of
My Desire.
Fly Up High!
Fly above the Blue Sky !
Work for your Passion :-)
Not only for a profession :(
If your Passion is Engineering,
By all means work Only for that Passion.
Be an Engineer ...
Or Whatever it May be,
A Pilot, a Doctor, a Lawyer,
a Good Mom or Dad or Family Member..
Excel in your Real World.
It is what your Heart is Telling you.
Don't waste your time on Nonsense.
If you are still unaware of what you desire
Seek it within.
Dig out deeper
and ask your Heart about it.
Never forget to Consult your Heart
Since the Real Power is in your Heart.
I can still remember the moment I asked my heart
about my Passion.
My Passion in Writing.
It was my great Desire to write a Book.
Others say it's Impossible.
It's not my field. I am not a Doctor of
Nor a Master in Literature..
what I only have is my HEART.
Pretty Hard to Achieve
but in the End..
I Know I Proved the People wrong.
I Gave Birth of That Desire.
I Gave Birth to the Book
I love to have.
Think Out of the Box

Pilot's Career Guide
Step by Step Learn How to Become an International Airline Pilot
Author Name: Capt Shekhar Gupta
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