Why Branded MBAs Get Better Placements?
@Manisha Rewani

They get a great peer-learning group
Peer learning is a group of learning strategies. It is the educational practice of students interacting with each other to achieve educational goals. It assigns active roles to both the faculty and the students in the learning process. While it covers a wide range of activities, teaching or learning from fellow students is usually the common denominator. In the interests of full disclosure, it must be pointed out that “I'm peer learning!” is yet to join the ranks of ‘Acceptable Reasons for Passing Notes in Class’.
They deal with real-world problems
The best way to deal with your problem is to take action as soon as possible. Once you’ve acknowledged your problems and set up some constructive goals to handle them, take action to meet those goals, Maintain your positive behaviors while dealing with problems. Sometimes problems take a little longer to solve than you anticipated. Keep moving towards your solutions and goals, which may help you deal with the problem in a constructive manner.
Keen knowledge of a particular topic
They will often have a great deal of knowledge in a particular subject (or multiple subjects). They will always be happy to share what they know too. They believe when you share your knowledge your wisdom is enhanced.
Get more opportunities
The environment provides a wonderful opportunity to students to explore, learn and develop their skills to maneuver to the competitive business environment.The institute constantly encourages its teaching fraternity to attain higher qualifications, publish articles, take up consultancy services etc. for their holistic Development.
Excellent Exposure and opportunities
Branded MBA provides their students a degree with International Exposure helps to gain knowledge and build skills required to manage global businesses. Getting a degree from one of the top MBA colleges in India that focuses on international markets and industries makes a student an excellent prospect for hiring.
Environment for personal growth
As a human being, you develop in interaction with your environment, as long as the conditions for it are met. This is personal growth. However, you may find yourself overtaken by fears, which tend to slow you down and freeze your progress. In fact, they end up stalling your personal development. Therefore, aspiring to achieve your dreams and facilitate your advancement should always be a priority.
Focus on Entrepreneurship Skills
Branded MBAs are promoting entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystems to help its students. The IIMs are also working closely with the industry to help budding entrepreneurs. Speaking at the ‘Education Innovation and Skill Summit’ organized by ET Government, heads of leading higher education institutions discussed measures to promote innovations and research and create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country.
Manisha Rewani [MBA]
Manager Mktg
AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd