Jio Mobile Set

Ambani's company Reliance has given patriotic orders to the enemy country "China" to make 30 million "Jio Mobile Set" after the government's permission!

Reliance will sell the Jio sets in three consignments of 10 to 10 million rupees, and will pay the Indians 1500-1500 rupees (security deposit) to be used, not sold!

Now when the sale is not even 28% GST! In a consolidation of 10 crores sets, the amount of tax of Rs 42,000 crores to the country according to the tax of 28% is Rs 1500 per set.

With a total of three consignments, the amount of tax of Rs. 126000 crores will be given to the country in government protection and whose government?

This is a straightforward math of high level of corruption, which all must have come to understand!

Secondly, Relience Jio Security Deposit ₹ 1500 will return three years later, but will not take back your phone. Ever wondered - why?

Because this company will not show the purchase of 10 million phones (the first store) i.e. in the purchase accounts nor will they take them in the trading stock, but will show the expenditure in the accounts of the fifteen lakh crores in the name of the promotion, in the amount of profit Less will be 35% i.e., direct savings of 5 lakh crores, in other words, India will have a revenue loss of five lakh crores!

There will be no cost of reliance because the security of the phone has been taken as security deposit!

It is called garrand master stroke!
Three hunt with one arrow

(1) The government is cheaper by 28% GST.

(2) Five lakh crore income tax was not paid by showing the expenditure of 15 lakh crore!

(3) On one hand, occupy one side for three years, the contestant clearly!

This is the appeal of the BJP government to the rest of the countrymen that they should become patriots by boycotting the skins, pitches, etc. made by China.

अंबानी की कम्पनी रिलायंस ने दुश्मन देश " चीन " को 30 करोड़ " जियो मोबाईल सेट " बनाने का देशभक्त आर्डर सरकार कि अनुमती के बाद दे दिया है  !

रिलायंस कम्पनी 10-10 करोड़ की 3 खेपों मे ये जियो सेट मँगाएगी, पैक करेगी और भारतियों को 1500-1500 रुपयो मे ( सिक्यरिटी डिपॉज़िट ) इस्तेमाल करने के लिये देगी , बेचेगी नही !

अब जब बिक्री नही तो 28% जीएसटी भी नही ! मतलब 10 करोड़ सेट की एक खेप मे 1500 रुपये प्रति सेट पर 28% के टैक्स के हिसाब से देश को 42000 करोड़ रुपयों के टैक्स का चूना !

कुल तीनो खेप मिलाकर 126000 करोड़ रुपयों के टैक्स का चूना देश को सरकारी संरक्षण मे और सरकार किसकी ?

उच्च स्तरीय भृष्टाचार की ये सीधी सीधी गणित है जो सभी को समझ मे आ ही गई होगी !

दूसरी बात Relience सिक्यरिटी डिपॉज़िट के ₹1500 तो तीन साल बाद लौटा देगी, पर अपना फ़ोन वापस नहीं लेगी । कभी सोचा है - क्यों ?

क्योंकि ये कम्पनी 10 करोड़ फ़ोनो की खरीद ( पहली खेप ) यानी ख़रीदी अकाउंट्स में नहीं दिखाएगी ना ही इनको ट्रेडिंग स्टॉक में लेगी बल्कि पन्द्रह लाख करोड़ का ख़र्चा अकाउंट्स में दिखाएगी प्रमोशन के नाम पर , जितना ख़र्चा दिखाएगी तो उतनी कमाई ( profit ) में से कम हो जाएगा और इंकम टैक्स लगभग 35% यानी पाँच लाख करोड़ की सीधी बचत होगी , दूसरे शब्दों में भारत को पाँच लाख करोड़ के राजस्व का घाटा होगा ! 

Relience का कुछ भी ख़र्च नहीं होगा क्योंकि फ़ोन की पूरी क़ीमत के बराबर सिक्यरिटी डिपॉज़िट के तौर पर ले लिया है !

इसे कहते हैं गरैन्ड मास्टर स्ट्रोक ! 
एक तीर से तीन शिकार 

(1) सरकार को 28% GST की चपत लगने से प्रोडक्ट सस्ता हुआ ।

(2) 15 लाख करोड़ का खर्च दिखाने से पाँच लाख करोड़ इनकम टैक्स नहीं भरना पड़ा ! 

(3) मार्केट पर तीन साल के लिए एक तरफ़ॉ क़ब्ज़ा, प्रतियोगी साफ़ !

बाकी देशवासियों से भाजपा सरकार की यही अपील है कि चीन के बने हुए झालर, पिचकारी आदि सामान का बहिष्कार कर देशभक्त बनें ।

Nidhi Jain [ M Sc Comp ] 
General Manager Operations
Alfa Bloggers Group
203 Royal Regency
Nr Reliance Fresh 
Airport Road Indore 452005

Varnika Kundu Chandigarh Brave Girl Story of Courage by Vikas Barala, Haryana BJP president Subhash Barala,

                                                                              By Nidhi Jain 


That being said, I'd like to take a moment to commend and thank Chandigarh Police for unparalleled efficiency and attention to a distress call from me. They almost restore my faith in the system.

Here's what went down;

I was driving home from the sector-8 market at about 12:15am, and crossed the road into sec-7, where the petrol pump is.

I was also on the phone with a friend at the time, and realised about a minute later that a car was following me.
It was a White SUV, and as I noticed it, it pulled up and started driving alongside my car. I was now in sec-7, heading towards the lights next to St.Johns' in 26.
There were 2 guys inside the SUV, and they seemed to really be enjoying harassing a lone girl in the middle of the night, judging by how often their car swerved,
just enough to scare me that it might hit me.
By now I was totally alert and mildly panic-y, so I decided to turn right from the St.Johns' traffic lights towards Madhya Marg(a more crowded, seemingly safer road).
I tried to turn right from the lights but the SUV blocked my way, forcing me to go straight into sec-26.
At the next turn, I tried to turn again, but this time they went a step further;
Right at the turn, they blocked the road in front of my car, and the guy in the passenger seat got out of the car and started walking towards me. I reversed as fast as I could and went straight and took the next right turn before they could catch up again.
I used this time to also call the cops at 100, and explain to them the situation and my exact location and where I was headed. The cop who answered my call, intuitively sensed the urgency in my voice, and promised me that help would be along very soon.   

I hung up and had now reached the main road, and hadn't seen the SUV for about 15 seconds, so I hoped, that they'd seen me calling the cops and disappeared. I was wrong.
I was now on a straight road for about 5-6kms (Madhya Marg), and that entire time, the SUV stayed alongside my car, trying to bully me into stopping every 10-15 seconds LITERALLY.
I was in a full-blown panic attack by now because they would keep trying to corner me, and I'd somehow manoeuvre my way out and keep moving.
My hands shaking, my back spasming from fear, half in tears, half bewildered, because I didn't know if I'd make it home tonight. 

Who knew when, or if, the cops would show up.
These guys INCESSANTLY bullied me all the way to Solitaire(end of 6kms), and at the traffic lights, blocked my car for the final time. 

This time they meant business, because they left me absolutely no space to move or escape, and the passenger JUMPED out of the car and moved towards mine.
I don't know how, but I reversed my car and moved to the right where there was space, all this while constantly honking so the few vehicles around would know something was wrong.

At this point, the guy had reached my car, banged loudly on my window, AND TRIED TO OPEN THE DOOR HANDLE!
Just as he did this, I saw a PCR pull up at the lights, quite possibly in response to my call. They heard me honking, and saw the SUV swerving left and right in an attempt to block me, and a couple of cops ran out towards the SUV, nabbing it just in time, because they were blocked in by traffic.

I, still shaking from fear, drove straight home, and told Virender Kundu what happened, getting him back with me to file the complaint.

The 2 boys, who of course, are from influential families with political connections, have been arrested and the complaint has been filed.

At the risk of sounding redundant, I need to mention and thank Chd Police again because had it not been for their timely response, I might not be writing this status today.

If this is what women deal with in one of the safer cities in the country, where are we going? 

I find it shocking, that in a place with cameras at every light and cops every 200 metres, these boys thought they could either get into my car, or take me into theirs, just because they're from an influential background.

I'm lucky, it seems, to not be the daughter of a common man, because what chance would they have against such VIPs  ?

I'm also lucky, because I'm not lying raped and murdered in a ditch somewhere.

If this can happen in Chd, it can happen anywhere.

LADIES! Please be proactive about your own safety;


DON'T BE AFRAID to call the cops, The minute it starts!
Call your parents, if possible, and let them know where you are and the situation you're in.
Try and run away, in the safest way possible.
YOUR LIFE IS PARAMOUNT! If he walks towards you, use whatever you can as a weapon.
I was never a big fan of weapons, till last night.
Whether it's a gun or mace or taser or a golf club or a knife,
it's going to make you feel safer and more confident.


कार चेजिंग की शिकार चंडीगढ़ की
वर्णिका की फेसबुक वॉल से। अंग्रेजी में लिखी गई पोस्ट का दैनिक भास्कर द्वारा हिन्दी में संपादित अंश....
चंडीगढ़ पुलिस को शुक्रिया जिसने मेरे कॉल पर फौरी एक्शन लिया. उन्होंने सिस्टम में मेरे भरोसे को फिर से जिंदा कर दिया है.
सेक्टर 8 मार्केट से रात 12.15 बजे घर के लिए निकली और फोन पर एक दोस्त से बात करते हुए सड़क पार करके सेक्टर 7 में घुसी ही थी कि मुझे लगा कि एक कार मेरा पीछा कर रही है. सफेद रंग की एसयूवी कार मेरी कार के साथ-साथ चलने लगी. तब तक मैं सेक्टर 7 में थी और सेक्टर 26 के सेंट जॉन्स की तरफ बढ़ रही थी.
एसयूवी में दो लड़के आधी रात को एक अकेली लड़की को छेड़कर मजा ले रहे थे. ये लोग इस तरह से मेरा पीछा कर रहे थे कि कई बार मुझे लगा कि ये मेरी कार को ठोंक देंगे. तब तक मैं अलर्ट हो चुकी थी इसलिए मैंने सेंट जॉन्स से राइट टर्न लेकर मध्य मार्ग लेने का प्लान किया जो थोड़ा बिजी और सेफ माना जाता है.
लेकिन राइट टर्न लेने वक्त एसयूवी ने रास्ता रोक दिया जिससे मुझे सीधे सेक्टर 26 की सड़क लेनी पड़ी. मैंने अगले टर्न पर फिर राइट लेने की कोशिश की लेकिन इस बार तो उनलोगों ने सीधे मेरी कार के सामने अपनी गाड़ी लगाई और पैसेंजर सीट पर बैठा लड़का उतरकर मेरी तरफ बढ़ने लगा.
मैंने तुंरत बैक गियर लगाई और इससे पहले कि वो फिर मेरे पास आते, तेजी से अगला राइट टर्न लिया. इस दौरान मैंने 100 नंबर पर फोन करके पुलिस को अपनी हालत और लोकेशन बताई. फोन पर पुलिस ने कहा कि वो जल्दी पहुंच रहे हैं. मैं अब मेन रोड पर पहुंच चुकी थी और 15 सेकेंड से एसयूवी नहीं दिखी तो मुझे लगा कि फोन करता देख वो भाग गए होंगे लेकिन मैं गलत थी.
मध्य मार्ग पर मैं आगे बढ़ रही थी. इस सड़क पर 5-6 किलोमीटर तक एसयूवी मेरी कार के साथ-साथ चलती रही और हर 10-15 सेकेंड पर मेरी कार को रोकने की तरकीब लगाती रही. वो मेरी कार को बार-बार ब्लॉक करके रोकने की कोशिश कर रहे थे और मैं हर बार किसी तरह अपनी कार को निकालकर आगे बढ़ रही थी.
मेरे हाथ कांप रहे थे, कमर जकड़ रहा था, कुछ हक्की-बक्की और कुछ आंखों में आंसू लिए मैं ये सोच रही थी कि पता नहीं आज घर लौट पाऊंगी भी कि नहीं. पता नहीं कब पुलिस वाले आएंगे या आएंगे भी या नहीं.
इन लड़कों ने 6 किलोमीटर तक लगातार मेरा पीछा किया और इस रोड के आखिर में ट्रैफिक लाइट के पास मेरी कार का रास्ता रोक दिया. मुझे भागने या कार निकालने का कोई रास्ता नहीं सूझ रहा. पैसेंजर सीट से फिर एक लड़का उतरकर मेरी तरफ बढ़ा. पता नहीं कैसे लेकिन मैंने कार को रिवर्स गियर में डाला और राइट की तरफ दिखी थोड़ी सी जगह से लगातार हॉर्न बजाती कार निकाली ताकि वहां गुजर रही दूसरी गाड़ियां मेरी हॉर्न सुनकर देखें कि दिक्कत क्या है कि ये लगातार हॉर्न बजा रही है.
तब तक वो लड़का मेरी कार के पास पास आ चुका था. उसने मेरे कार के विंडो पर जोर से हाथ मारा और गेट खोलने की कोशिश की. तभी मेरी नजर एक पुलिस कार पर पड़ी. मैं लगातार हॉर्न बजा रही थी. कुछ पुलिस वाले दौड़कर आए और एसयूवी वालों को पकड़ा.
डर से कांपती मैं सीधे घर गई और अपने पिता वीरेंद्र कुंडु को सब कुछ बताया और फिर उनके साथ एफआईआर करने वापस गई. दोनों लड़के गिरफ्तार हो चुके थे जो निश्चित रूप से प्रभावशाली परिवार से हैं और राजनीतिक कनेक्शन रखते हैं.
चंडीगढ़ पुलिस को शुक्रिया क्योंकि अगर उनके जवान समय पर नहीं आते तो शायद आज मैं ये स्टेट्स नहीं लिख पाती. अगर देश के सबसे सेफ शहर में एक लड़की के साथ ऐसा हो रहा है तो हम कहां जा रहे हैं.
मैं चकित हूं कि जिस शहर में हर रेडलाइट पर कैमरा लगा है और हर 200 मीटर पर पुलिस वाले हैं वहां इन लड़कों ने कैसे सोच लिया कि ये मेरी कार में घुस सकते हैं या मुझे अपनी कार में खींच सकते हैं. सिर्फ इसलिए कि वो एक ताकतवर परिवार से हैं.
ऐसा लगता है कि मैं एक आम आदमी की बेटी ना होने की वजह से खुशकिस्मत हूं नहीं तो इन वीआईपी लोगों के खिलाफ खड़ा होने की उनके पास क्या ताकत होती है. मैं इसलिए भी खुशकिस्मत हूं क्योंकि मैं रेप के बाद किसी नाले में मरी नहीं पड़ी हूं. अगर ये चंडीगढ़ में हो सकता है तो कहीं भी हो सकता है.
लेडीज, अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए खुद सतर्क रहें. कोई गाड़ी अगर आपको तंग कर रहा है तो उसकी गाड़ी का नंबर नोट करिए. जैसे ही कोई पीछा करना शुरू करे तुरंत पुलिस को फोन करिए. अपने मां-बाप को फोन करिए और उनको बताइए कि आप कहां हैं और किस हालत में हैं. सुरक्षित तरीके से जैसे भी भाग सकती हैं, भागने की कोशिश करिए.
आपकी जान सबसे बड़ी चीज है. अगर वो आपके पास आता है तो जो भी चीज मिले उसे हथियार बनाकर खुद को बचाइए. पिछली रात तक मैं किसी भी हथियार की फैन नहीं थी, चाहे वो बंदूक हो, डंडा हो, गोल्फ स्टिक हो या चाकू. लेकिन ये आपको ज्यादा सेफ और आत्मविश्वास से भरे होने का अहसास कराएंगे.
(चंडीगढ़. हरियाणा बीजेपी के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष सुभाष बराला के नशे में धुत बेटे विकास बराला की कार चेजिंग छेड़खानी से बाल-बाल बचीं सीनियर IAS अधिकारी वीरेंद्र कुंडु की बेटी और DJ वर्णिका कुंडु ने कहा है कि वो लकी हैं कि वो रेप के बाद किसी नाले में मरी नहीं मिलीं.
वर्णिका की कार का शुक्रवार की देर रात चंडीगढ़ में विकास बराला और उसके एक साथी ने काफी देर तक पीछा किया था और बार-बार कार को रोककर वर्णिका तक पहुंचने की कोशिश की. पुलिस ने दोनों लड़कों को गिरफ्तार किया था लेकिन शुक्रवार की शाम में विकास बराला के जमानत पर छूटने की खबर आई.)

Varnika Kundu  Chandigarh Brave Girl  Story of Courage by Vikas Barala,  Haryana BJP president Subhash Barala,

You are a brave girl, the way you handled shows your presence of mind.These boys who are good for nothing should be punished.

Varnika Kundu's Ordeal Shows What Indian Women Face When Reporting Crimes Against The So Called VIP or Powerful

They don't have to earn money,buy a car or a mobile because they get all these I think the moment they are born. So what do they have to do for earning...nothing.they will bug people around them. Actually this is entirely their parents fault..a person having an intension to attack , harass or molest a girl or a woman should be punished by law.These matters should be taken seriously by police..This can happen with anyone.I don't believe it happened it Chandigarh.

Nabanita Dutta  

These boys one should not be punished but their parents also should be punished as they must be looking for loop holes to save their beloved sons.

We Salute the Chandigarh Brave Girl Varnika Kundu, here is her Story of Courage

So called victim daughter of IAS from Chandigarh with Vikas Barala. This story is as true as like Jasleen Kaur of Delhi & of Rohtak Sisters.

Nidhi Jain [ M Sc Comp ] 
Manager Operations
Alfa Bloggers Group

#Section185 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 
#365_kidnapping with intent to confine)  

Successful Businessman Mr George Carlos Chief Executive Officer Alfa Bizz Corp

Simply Superb ! 

A Must Read and Share

Rich Businessman:  Mr George Carlos
Designation               :  Chief Executive Officer
Fisherman                :  Mr Mike DeSilva
City                     :  Austin Lake Texas USA
Business Name            :  Alfa Bizz Corp

A Successful Businessman Mr George Carlos Chief Executive Officer Alfa Bizz Corp  Austin Lake Texas USA was growing Old and knew it was time to choose a new Successor to take over the Business of Alfa Bizz Corp. 

Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his own Children, he decided to do something Different. George  called all the Young Executives in his Company together. 

George  said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next Chief Executive Officer for Alfa Bizz Corp .

I have decided to choose One of You

The young executives were shocked, but Mr George Carlos continued.

 I am going to give each one of you a  S E E D  today - one 
very special S E E D.  I want you to Plant the Seed, Water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the Seed I have given you. I will then judge the Plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next Chief Executive Officer of  Alfa Bizz Corp .

One Young Executive, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a Seed. He went home and excitedly told his wife Julie the story. Julie helped Jim get a pot, Soil and Compost and he Planted the new Seed.

 Everyday he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their Seeds and the Plants that were beginning to grow.

 Jim kept checking his Seed but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now others were talking about their Plants, but Jim didn't have a Plant and he felt like a failure.

  Six months went by 

-- Still nothing in Jim's pot. 

He just knew he had killed his Seed. Everyone else had trees and tall Plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however, he just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - he so wanted the Seed to grow.

 A Year finally went by and all the Young Executives of the company brought their Plants to the Chief Executive Officer Mr George Carlos for inspection. Jim told his wife Julie that he wasn't going to take an empty pot.

But she asked him to be honest about what happened.

 Jim felt sick to his stomach, it was going to be the most Embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife 
was right.

He took his empty pot to the boardroom. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of Plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful -- in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him!

When the Chief Executive Officer Mr George Carlos arrived, he surveyed the room and Greeted his Young Executives. 

Jim just tried to hide in the back. 

"My, what great Plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said Mr George Carlos the Chief Executive Officer Alfa Bizz Corp. 

"Today one of you will be appointed the next CChief Executive Officer of Alfa Bizz Corp!


All of a sudden, the Chief Executive Officer of Alfa Bizz Corp spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. 
He ordered the Financial Director to bring him to the front. 
Jim was terrified. 

He thought, "The Chief Executive Officer  knows I'm a Failure! 

Maybe he will have me Fired !

When Jim got to the front, the Chief Executive Officer asked him what had happened to his Seed 

- Jim told him the story.

The Chief Executive Officer  asked everyone to sit down except Jim. 

He looked at Jim, and then announced to the Young Executives, " Behold Your new  Chief Executive Officer of Alfa Bizz Corp ! 

His name is Jim !"

Jim couldn't believe it. 

Jim couldn't even grow his Seed.

"How could he be the new Chief Executive Officer ?" 
the others said.

Then the Chief Executive Officer  said, "One year ago today, I gave  everyone in this room a Seed. I told you to take the Seed, Plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. 

But I gave you all boiled Seeds; they were dead - it was not possible.

All of you, except Jim, have brought me Trees and Plants and Flowers. When you found that the Seed would not grow, you substituted another Seed for the one I gave you. 
Jim was the only one with the courage and Honesty to bring me a Pot with my Seed in it. 

Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive Officer!


* If you Plant Honesty, you will Reap Trust

*If you Plant Goodness, you will Reap Friends

*If you Plant Humility, you will Reap Greatness

*If you Plant Perseverance, you will Reap Contentment

*If you Plant Consideration, you will Reap Perspective

*If you Plant Hard work, you will Reap Success

*If you Plant Forgiveness, you will Reap Reconciliation

So, be careful what you Plant now; 

it will determine what you will Reap later.

Worth forwarding

Nidhi Jain [M Sc Comp] 
Manager Operations
Alfa Bloggers Group

At Fisherman's Village is at the Heart of Toledo Bend, Just West of Carrice Creek Bridge and only a mile West of Pendleton Bridge you'll find yourself at the heart of all that's going on at Toledo Bend Lake. Located on Texas Highway 21/103 
(Highway 6 on the Louisiana side) Fisherman's Village is at the only point to cross 

Toledo Bend Lake between Texas and Louisiana in USA, easy access to all that's 

going on around the lake in 2 states !