

People Born in January have a very 
Strong Work Ethic, and will not Hesitate 
to voice their Opinions. 
They have a Headstrong, Stubborn Attitude, 
and don’t take well to People telling them 
what to do. 
They make very Good Leaders Because of 
their Persistence and Drive to Succeed, 
but sometimes don’t listen to others very well. 
You have a natural ability to teach other People, 
and they listen to you with ease and 
Willingness to Learn New.

◆ भारत में दो कानून अवश्य बनना चाहिए 

→पहला - चुनाव प्रचार पर प्रतिबंध 
 नेता केवल टेलीविजन ( टी वी) के माध्यम से प्रचार करें 

→दूसरा - नेताओं के वेतन भत्तो पर प्रतिबंध

          | तब दिखाओ देशभकित |

 प्रत्येक भारतवासी को जागरूक होना ही पड़ेगा और इस फिजूल खर्ची के खिलाफ बोलना पड़ेगा ? 

इस मेसेज़ को जितना हो सके फेसबुक और व्हाट्सअप ग्रुप में फॉरवर्ड कर अपनी देश भक्ति का परिचय दें। 


              🙏सादर निवेदन🙏

Click on Your Birth Month Link
Know What does your Birth Month
Say About You ?




If you were Born in February, you probably have a Strong Creative Streak, and Enjoy Working on New Projects. You Love getting into Intellectual Discussions, and don’t like to Converse with others who seem Shallow. You have been called a Free Spirit once or twice in Your Life before, and don’t like to live within the confines of society’s rigid rules. You Love Travel, and hop on an AirPlane or Train every chance you get. Adventure and Exploring the World around you get you excited and make you Feel Alive, so you do best in the company of other free spirits and dreamers. You are a very Loyal, Honest friend and partner, as well.

Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You ?

January -   

February -  

March -  

April - 

May -  

June -  

July -  

August -  

September -  

October -  

November -  

December - 

And  Share with all your Friends and Family



People Born in March are 
alsoHighly Creative and 
Imaginative,but they tend 
to be more Introspective 
and Quiet. They Live 
Inside their Own Heads a lot, 
Creating Masterpieces within their Minds. 
They Turn to the Arts for Expressing 
Themselves, and Enjoy their Quiet time 
Alone. You have a kind, Gentle Demeanor 
with other People, but Tend to Hide Most 
Aspects of yourself From others. You Crave 
Peaceful, Serene Environments, and Stray 
Away from Noisy, Crowded Places Most of 
the Time.



Those Born in April Crave Attention and Love every Second they can Spend in the Spotlight.
They don’t take Orders well, Instead Preferring to do Things their way and Lead others. April  Babies seek new Adventures, and Constantly  are on the Prowl for an Adrenaline Rush. 
They  Act first and think Later, Living Life day to day, seeing where it takes them. They are Sometimes known to be Loud and bnoxious, but they Speak their Minds and have no Problem Telling  other People how they Feel.

Click on Your Birth Month Link
Know What does your Birth Month
Say About You

your #birth_month #characteristics,
#about #love_life,
#what does your birth month say about your career,
#what your birth month says about you sexually,
#meaning of birth month and day,
#your birth month characteristics really very interesting,



People Born in the month of May tend to be 
Very Fickle, Wanting one thing Yesterday, 
and Something totally Different Today. They 
Express Themselves well, and Love Talking 
to People from all walks of Life. They have 
an Active Social Life, and don’t Like to Spend
a lot of time Alone. May Babies also Love a 
Stimulating, Intelligent Conversation, but need 
Almost an Equal Amount of fun and Excitement. 
They get Bored Easily, and Constantly look for 
new ways to Entertain Them selves.

your #birth_month #characteristics,
#about #love_life,



If you were Born in June Month, 
You are very Sensitive and Caring 
toward  other People’s Feelings. 
You can be shy and Soft-Spoken, 
but People really Admire 
that about you. 
You have a Creative Spirit, 
and think far into the Future 
about what you can Create and 
how you can bring Your  Ideas 
Into the World. 
Though you don’t  Always Express 
How you feel, You have a whole World 
Living inside you, and you just 
Want to Figure Out how to bring it to Life.



People Born in July have many of the same 
Traits as those Born in June, Except that they 
are a bit more Spontaneous and Extroverted. 
They Live for Adventures, and just want to 
have a good time. Outwardly, they Appear 
Confident and Cheerful, but inside, they 
Harbor a lot of dark Secrets, and hide their 
pain well from others.People Born in July have lots of 
Energy, and People Love to hang out 
with them Because of this.

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August Babies are natural Born Leaders, 
not Afraid to stand on their own with their 
Opinions. They can be bossy and Opinionated, but Underneath all that, they have big Hearts. 

August Babies can think too much, however, 
and get Locked inside their Rigid, Methodical 
approach to life if they aren’t Careful. People 
Born in August do well in Careers that Involve Critical thinking and Analysis, because they see life in a Logical, step-by-step way. 

They don’t Express their Emotions well, 
however, so seeing the more “Human” side of them can seem Difficult at times.

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People Born in September have high 
Expectations of others, so they get 
Disappointed easily. They have a mean 
StubBorn streak, and hold Grudges if 
you get on their bad side. They are 
Perfectionists, holding themselves 
and others to high Ideals.They also 
are Sensual, Creative, kind 
People, Always wanting to 
help others when they can.



People Born in October crave 
balance and stabilityin everything
they do, and have a Positive Outlook 
on Life. 
You don’t like Confrontation, and 
avoid it whenever possible. 

You also have an Active Social life, and love
your friends to death. You’re charming and 
talkative, and though you love being around 
People, you refiercely independent as well.



People Born in November are very secretive, and often  hide their true feelings from others. They don’t like others telling them what to do, and tend to carve their own path in life. They don’t have
 too many 
fears, and will jump into a situation headfirst, no matter 
the consequences. They don’t let anything in life stop 
them,and have a headstrong, passionate approach to life.

Attachments area



December Born Babies are very 
Adventurous and Generous People. 
However, they can let their pride get in the 
way sometimes, and have a short fuse 
with People. 

They always like to be on-the-go, and can’t 
stand to sit still too long. They are feisty, 
Entertaining People, and their free-Spirited 
Attitude Perfectly Balances their 
more uptight side.

Click on Your Birth Month Link
Know What does your Birth Month
Say About You ?

January -
February -

March -
April -
May -
June -

July -
August -

September -

October -

November -
December -


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Click on Your Birth Month Link And Know What does your Birth Month Say About You ?

Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You ?

January -   
February -  

March -  
April -  
May -  

June -  

July -  
August -  

September -  

October -  


November -  
December - 


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Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You ?


If you were Born in June Month, 
You are very Sensitive and Caring 
toward  other People’s Feelings. 
You can be shy and Soft-Spoken, 
but People really Admire 
that about you. 
You have a Creative Spirit, 
and think far into the Future 
about what you can Create and 
how you can bring Your  Ideas 
into the World. 
Though you don’t  Always Express 
How you feel, You have a whole World 
Living inside you, and you just 
want to Figure Out how to bring it to life.

January -   
February -  

March -  
April -  
May -  
June -  

July -  
August -  

September -  

October -  

November -  
December -  


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People Born in January have a very strong work ethic, and will not 

hesitate to voice their opinions. They have a headstrong, stubborn 

Attitude, and don’t take well to People telling them what to do. They 

make very good leaders because of their persistence and drive to 

succeed, but sometimes don’t listen to others very well. You have a 

natural ability to teach other People, and they listen to you with ease 

and willingness to learn.


If you were Born in February, you probably have a strong creative 

streak, and enjoy working on new projects. You love getting into 

intellectual discussions, and don’t like to converse with others who 

seem shallow. You have been called a free spirit once or twice in your 

life before, and don’t like to live within the confines of society’s rigid 

rules. You love travel, and hop on a plane or train every chance you 

get. Adventure and exploring the world around you get you excited and 

make you feel alive, so you do best in the company of other free 

spirits and dreamers. You are a very loyal, honest friend and partner, 

as well.


People Born in March are also highly creative and imaginative, but 

they tend to be more introspective and quiet. They live inside their own 

heads a lot, creating masterpieces within their minds. They turn to the 

arts for expressing themselves, and enjoy their quiet time alone. You 

have a kind, gentle demeanor with other People, but tend to hide most 

aspects of yourself from others. You crave peaceful, serene 

environments, and stray away from noisy, crowded places most of the 



Those Born in April crave attention and love every second they can 

spend in the spotlight. They don’t take orders well, instead preferring 

to do things their way and lead others. April Babies seek new 

adventures, and constantly are on the prowl for an adrenaline rush. 

They act first and think later, living life day to day, seeing where it 

takes them. They are sometimes known to be loud and obnoxious, but 

they speak their minds and have no problem telling other People how 

they feel.


People Born in the month of May tend to be very fickle, wanting one 

thing yesterday, and something totally different today. They express 

themselves well, and love talking to People from all walks of life. They 

have an active social life, and don’t like to spend a lot of time alone. 

May Babies also love a stimulating, intelligent conversation, but need 

almost an equal amount of fun and excitement. They get bored easily, 

and constantly look for new ways to entertain themselves.


If you were Born in June, you are very sensitive and caring toward 

other People’s feelings. You can be shy and soft-spoken, but People 

really admire that about you. You have a creative spirit, and think far 

into the future about what you can create and how you can bring your 

ideas into the world. Though you don’t always express how you feel, 

you have a whole world living inside you, and you just want to figure 

out how to bring it to life.


People Born in July have many of the same traits as those Born in 

June, except that they are a bit more spontaneous and extroverted. 

They live for adventures, and just want to have a good time. 

Outwardly, they appear confident and cheerful, but inside, they harbor 

a lot of dark secrets, and hide their pain well from others. People Born 

in July have lots of energy, and People love to hang out with them 

because of this.


August Babies are natural Born leaders, not afraid to stand on their 

own with their opinions. They can be bossy and opinionated, but 

underneath all that, they have big hearts. August Babies can think too 

much, however, and get locked inside their rigid, methodical approach 

to life if they aren’t careful. People Born in August do well in careers 

that involve critical thinking and analysis, because they see life in a 

logical, step-by-step way. They don’t express their emotions well, 

however, so seeing the more “human” side of them can seem difficult 

at times.


People Born in September have high expectations of others, so they 

get disappointed easily. They have a mean stubBorn streak, and hold 

grudges if you get on their bad side. They are perfectionists, holding 

themselves and others to high ideals. They also are sensual, creative, 

kind People, always wanting to help others when they can.


People Born in October crave balance and stability in everything they 

do, and have a positive outlook on life. You don’t like confrontation, 

and avoid it whenever possible. You also have an active social life, and 

love your friends to death. You’re charming and talkative, and though 

you love being around People, you’re fiercely independent as well.


People Born in November are very secretive, and often hide their true 

feelings from others. They don’t like others telling them what to do, 

and tend to carve their own path in life. They don’t have too many 

fears, and will jump into a situation headfirst, no matter the 

consequences. They don’t let anything in life stop them, and have a 

headstrong, passionate approach to life.


December Babies are very Adventurous, 
Generous People. 
However, they can let their pride get in the 
way sometimes, and have a short fuse 
with People. 
They always like to be on-the-go, and can’t 
stand to sit still too long. They are feisty, 
Entertaining People, and their free-Spirited 
Attitude Perfectly Balances their 
more uptight side.

Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You 

your #birth_month #characteristics,
what does your birth month say about your love life,
personality by month you were Born,
know your personality by date of birth,
what does your birth month say about your career,
what your birth month says about you sexually,
meaning of birth month and day,
your birth month characteristics really very interesting,