Self Motivation

Walking on the difficult path of life, poeple sometimes get confused about what is wrong and what is right.

Sometimes, at somepoint , people feel like to be alone , they want to run away from tragedies of life, but nobody tries to make it simple, they always complain, they always say life is not smooth, nothing happens according to me, and here's the big question; WHY 

Why do you want to happen things according to yo?
why can't you just frame negative situations into positive ?

Just take a step forward ,just believe in yourself,don't think about world , don't think about people, just do what makes you happy, because when you're happy ,everything seems to be perfect.  
So, just go ahead,try,believe in yourself, try to make life easy & simple and just try to enjoy every situation of your life.

Your Happiness can be a remedy to others problems , and that may help you to achieve your life goals.


Successful Vs. Unsuccessful People

                                                                                                                                                                                                Blog By     Akkumahanthi Sowmya

Successful Vs. Unsuccessful People

Being Successful and Unsuccessful always had a clear-cut difference between them. there is always two sides of a coin the decisions we make have its own consequences as well, the difference between the decisions taken gives rise to being successful and unsuccessful. In order to be successful one should be able to adjust and align his thoughts in the and organize himself in the path of success. Success can only be achieved with certain elements like hard work, determination, and perseverance. The idea of being the best by showing someone low is there the start of successful people. Here are the differences between successful and unsuccessful people
Ø Successful people embrace a change, unsuccessful people fear of a change: if there is any kind of change taking place successful people take the positive side of the change and try to inculcate them in their habits and embrace them. But this is not the case with unsuccessful people deny or hide from them which will take them nowhere.
Ø Successful people take a stand if they are responsible, unsuccessful people blame others: truly successful people have their own ups and downs in their career if they are going down because of their mistakes they will learn from their mistakes and rise up. But then unsuccessful people blame others for their loss and keep blaming instead of working on the flaws that they have.
Ø Successful people are credit givers, unsuccessful people are credit takers: A task is assigned a department and the work is done with the proper plan, teamwork, and execution. They receive credits by their boss, here a successful person will be giving the credit to the whole team he worked with to reach the targets where the unsuccessful person takes all the credit though it was done by others.
Ø Successful people have helping nature, unsuccessful people have selfish nature: a successful person will always have a question like “how may I help you?” where are ready to help others if they find anyone who needs help and comes forward to give a hand in their work. The unsuccessful person cares all about himself when he needs something he doesn’t hesitate to take the help of others but when others need help from him he postpones or escapes that conversation.
Ø Successful people listen to others and then keep their point of view, unsuccessful people just talk: If there is any kind of gathering a successful person will first listen to the speaker and the speak considering various aspects like seniority, experience etc. With respect. And whereas unsuccessful people talk as they like regardless of any respect to the people around or without any respect.

BBA Second Year, Bhavan's


By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
Twitter: @sowmya_12

Stay Alert - New Year's Knocking!

Stay Alert - New Year's Knocking!

" I think I need glasses cause I keep seeing a lot of people with two faces."

Everyone like partying. 
New year is ahead so everyone is busy in enjoying,  relaxing and partying hard with friends and family. But people tend to forget about the mess and the danger which might be Knocking on their doors while the party is on.
The things which actually go wrong in party are:-
▪Drink driving
▪Drug overdose
▪Sexual assault
▪Injury  and the list goes on ...

Next thing which should be known are the few suggestions for the party safe party:-
1. No Need to use alcohol for fun but if you want to drink, Drink moderately.
2. Do not drive if you are drunk instead take a driver.
3. Keep Fire extinguisher ready for emergency
4. Party could be planned out with keeping all the        precautions in mind
5. Medical facilities should also be taken consider.
6. Do not keep quiet and allow unsafe behaviour. Complain the host about such things.
7. Never leave your drinks alone. Or if required tell a person you trust to look after it whn you are away.
8. Do not advertise the party via social media. 
9. Take soft drinks not alcohol or drugs.
10. Be alert!!!!!

Enjoy to the fullest and party hard but safely so that you won't regret.!! 

Simran Kumari (CSE)
2nd year


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Say About You ?

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Motivation for Illness

Motivation for Illness


"So far you have survived the 100% of your worst days you are doing great."

Were you seriously very ill ?

Could'nt you go for work ?

Missed your important meeting or any important event of your life?

What next???

Thinking if it is the end !!??

Is it that you are in this world to give up?
I don't think so.....

Stop thinking.... start working !!!

It's never too late you might get new opportunities maybe better than before. Why to cry over past things and waste your present provided destroying your future!

"There are two days in a year that nothing can be done one called yesterday and other is called tomorrow so today is the right day to lovebelievedo, and mostly live" - Dalai Lama

The things by which you can recover fast : -

▪stay with your friends 
▪never stay alone number 
▪ take care of yourself 
▪ stay positive 
▪do things which you enjoy doing it or watch those kinds of programs which you like 
▪take the steps by which you can improve your health and do not ignore 
▪focus at one thing at a time 
▪set small goals

"Recovery is a process
 it takes time.
 it takes patients.
 it takes everything. you've got!!!!"

When 'I' is replaced by 'we' even illness  become Wellness.

Now stop wasting your time and start working!!!!

Simran Kumari
B.Tech (CSE)
2nd year

#Motivation for Illness