Learn A B C D Like this A. B. C. D तो सभी को आती होगी पर ऐसे नहीं आती होगी

A. B. C. D तो सभी को आती होगी पर ऐसे नहीं आती होगी

A-🏳 आदर करो बड़ों का

B-🏳बुरा मत करो किसी का

C-🏳चोरी मत करो

D-🏳देना सीखो जरूरतमंद

E-🏳एहसान करो

F-🏳फर्ज.अदा करो

G-🏳गुस्सा मत कऱो

H-🏳हजारों दुआ करो

I-🏳ईमानदार बनो

J-🏳जन्नत भगवान से मांगो

K-🏳किस्मत में होगा मिलेगा

L-🏳लालच मत करो

M-🏳महनत करो

N-🏳नहीं किसी से मत कहो

O-🏳औरत का सम्मान करो

P-🏳प्रणाम करो बड़ों को

Q-🏳क्यों करते हो चिंता
                  (मस्त रहो)

R-🏳रोज सुबह उठो

S-🏳शुक्रिया अदा करो

T-🏳टहलने रोज जाओ
                         (मॉर्निंग वॉक)

U-🏳उम्मीद रखो

V-🏳वंदना करो

W-🏳वक्त की कदर करो

X-🏳क्षमा करना सीखो

Y-🏳यकीन भगवान पर करो

Z-🏳जरा इस मैसेज को सबको फारवरड करो …

इस मैसेज को रोकना नहीं आगे भेजते रहो प्लीज।


A. B. C. D तो सभी को आती होगी पर ऐसे नहीं आती होगी


Give her wings and she will fly

Give her wings and she will fly,
In the cage of kings she will die..
She wants to explore the world ,
That is wide and curled..
She wants to go around,
For she loves to sing 🎶 sweet sound ...
She is full of beauty,
Her loved ones call her cutie...
She can do wonders,
She can be like a thunder..
Only give her a chance,
She can surprise u at glance...
But you have to give her wings,
To let her fly ..
Otherwise,in the cage of kings,
She will die..!

DPS Indore

कुल मिलाकर यह धंधेबाजो का शहर है !?

यहाँ की राजनीती धंधेबाज चलाते है और यहाँ के नेता दलाली ,कमीशन और उगाही के माध्यम से !?

दलाली ,ट्रेडिंग,सट्टा,मुनाफाखोरी ,कालाबाजारी और सरकारी जमीनों को बेचना इस शहर का मुख्य पेशा है !? इसकी आबोहवा में चंद व्यापारिक और राजनेतिक घरानों ने मौकापरस्ती ,धोखेबाजी ,मक्कारी ,चाटुकारिता ,अहसानफरामोशी ,षड्यंत्र ,विश्वास घात,का जहर घोल रखा है !?

इनका खुलकर साथ यहाँ के व्यवसायिक मीडिया संस्थानों ने खुलकर दिया है और दे रहे है !? इन्होने शहर को कॉर्पोरेट अस्पतालों ,शिक्षा माफियो ,भू माफियो ,शराब और पब व्यवसायियों से इस शहर को चारो तरफ से जकड़वा दिया है !?

देश भर के धूर्त ,मक्कार ,षड्यंत्रकारी ,धोखेबाजो को निमंत्रण देकर उनकी भव्य दुकाने हर क्षेत्र में स्थापित करवा दी है !?देश ही नहीं दुनिया भर के लुटेरे धोखेबाज इस शहर में आने के लिए लालियत रहते है !?

इस शहर में कोई विश्वास का नहीं है सब मौका परस्त है !?यहाँ न दोस्ती के कोई माने है और न ही कोई गुरु शिष्य परंपरा है !?

हर चेला गुरु को मात देने की फिराक में ही रहता है फील्ड चाहे कोई भी हो !?

इंदौर शहर में भीषण दुर्घटना में निर्दोष बच्चो की मृत्यु हो गई, जिससे कई घर के चिराग बुझ गए जिसमें सभी बच्चों के माता पिता और परिवार को ईश्वर दुख सहने की शक्ति प्रदान करें।

उन सभी बाल स्वरूपो को !!!!अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धाजंलि!!!!
भगवान उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे!!!!!


शहर को लफ्फाजी नही चाहिए एक्शन चाहिए। ??
क्या हम इंदौर शहर को देश का पहला  नेता  विहीन शहर नहीं बना सकते
क्या हमें शहर को लफ्फाजी  ही चाहिए एक्शन  नहीं चाहिए।
हमारा शहर  लफ़्फ़ाज़  नेताओ का शहर  होता  जा रहा है


Best Natural Remedies for Curly Hair

                                                                                                              Blog By Pallavi Bose 
Best Natural Remedies for Curly Hair
Curly hair looks quite attractive but involves a lot of maintenance and care. You need to take care of your tresses and curls so that they look properly defined and all natural. And if you are relying on chemicals for this then you are wrong because they will make your hair dry and brittle and further worsen your hair condition.

Thus, natural remedy is the best thing for your curly hair. Thus, let’s have a look at best natural remedies for curly hair –

  1. Olive Oil – Olive Oil is the lightest hair oil you can use. Thus, after shampoo use it as a post rinse so that your curls are all shining brightly and are at their place.
  2. Curd – Curd always helps when you have excessive dry and brittle hair. Curd will tame your flyways and add a beautiful definition to your hair. You can also add some drops of your favorite hair oil to the curd so that the hair paste is highly nutritious and healthy.
  3. Honey – Honey also acts as a fab hair nourisher and thus when you add some drops of honey to your regular shampoo then your shampoo becomes extremely healthy and nutritious. It will also add an after shine effect to your hair and will also work as a smoothening effect for your curly hair.
  4. Aloe Vera Gel – Curly hair suffers from tangles and aloe vera gel goes a long way in reducing those tangles and de tangling your hair. Thus, add some 3-4 spoonful of aloe vera gel in your regular shampoo and give it a good stir. Now, use this aloe vera shampoo all over your hair. You will see your hair is free of tangles to a very great extent.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best natural shampoo for curly hair. Add some drops of apple cider vinegar (say 4-5) on your hair and stir it tremendously. Now, use this water mixture on your hair. This will go a long way in removing the dirt and product build up from your curly hair.
  6. Lemon Juice – If your hair is not too dry and if it only has dandruff or hair dirt issues then add some drops of lemon juice on your shampoo. This will remove the product build up from your hair and also will reduce dirt, pollutants and dandruff from your hair.
  7. Beer Wash – Add small amount of beer in your shampoo. This will make your hair incredibly shiny and voluminous. Also, you can notice beautiful shine and bounce on your hair. This is a fab natural shampoo for your dry curly hair.

Be Happy and face the situation with Smile.

Be Happy and face the situation with Smile.

"When life puts you in a tough situation don't say why me?,just say try me"

Everybody must have heard this saying,but it's easy to say and hard to follow, May be you all are thinking like this?
But by controling your mind you can face every situation of your life and for that you only have to do one thing daily, 

i.e. sit alone quitely for sometime and ask yourself ,
who is going to help you,
how you will solve your problem,
just try to make yourself strong enough so that you can stand alone in crowd,
be your own master ,
be your own creator,
and when you will start doing this,see the difference.
you know what people think that somebody will help them, god will make up everything but no,it's not like that,untill and unless you will not do ,nothing will work.

So, you only to make yourself strong enough to face every situation of your life.

This small journey of life is really very beatiful,and you can make it awesome, by just changing the way you look at life.

Many a times,you will come across some people who will demotivate you,but their also, you can just take things in a positive manner.

I don't know that will always workout or not ,but as much as i have experienced ,nothing is going to happen by thinking in a negative way,by taking tensions.

So, It's better for you to think positive ,  be happy and face the situation with smile.


Nippranshi Jain (MBA Entrepreneurship)
Social Media intern
 Alfa Bloggers Group

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