Android App Optimization Techniques

Android App Optimization Techniques :--


ASO – App Store Optimization is a very useful technique to increase the visibility of the newly built apps in the app store. As we know, Apple App Store contains 1.3 million apps in the Apple’s App Store & Google Play Store contains 1.4 million Android apps so it is very difficult to discover new mobile app among the millions of apps. To make your app visible in the top search, you have to optimize your app using the app store optimization techniques which will result in high traffic to your app store page & increase the app download.


App Store Optimization (ASO) is the best way to ensure that your app meets the ranking criteria of the app store and rises to the top of the search results. In short, it is also called as ASO which is the process of optimizing the mobile apps to rank higher in the search results of the app store. It will help your apps to get higher rank in the app store search results so that it can easily visible to their potential customers. The main aim of the App Store Optimization is to drive more traffic to your app page in the app store. It requires the crucial understanding of the target customer base and the target keywords which helps to increase the visibility of the apps.

1. Understand Your Audience And Competition :--

To understand your Customer and the Competition, you will require the well-formed App Store Optimization strategy. This strategy will help you to identify the searches and queries used by the customer for a particular app in the app store. Following points you can research on:

a. The Language used by my customer.

b. Important reason to download apps.

c. Keywords targeted by my competitors.

d. What are the competitive zone and area of my apps?

There are following points you must focus on. Well your App Store Optimization research begins with putting yourself in your customer shoes. The primary goal is to search for those keywords that can drive more traffic to your app store page. The best way to identify your optimal keywords is competitive research. It is equally important to survey your competitors and identify which keywords and strategies targeted for the similar apps like yours.

2. Define Effective & Descriptive Title :--

A well defined descriptive title helps to identify the information of the app and also improves the ranking in the app store. According to the research, by including the keyword in your title helps you to rank 10% higher among your competitors. Both the Apple App Store & Google Play Store takes keywords and titles differently. So define your title for Apple App Store and Google Play Store as shown below:

The Google Play Store --

In Google play store, the titles are handled differently. It includes 60 characters in the title so you have to be effective & concise.

In the title, you don’t have to worry about your keywords with Android apps because the keywords will be included in the description section.

3. Maximize Your Keyword Reserach :--

Keyword research is the need of the hour for the app store optimization. You have to do some research on keywords to drive traffic before publishing your app in the app store. The best App Store Optimization technique is to use high traffic keywords with the low and moderate number of apps. You can take a good idea from the top ranking apps and also by competitor analysis. The following points you must focus on:

a. Try to use words rather than phrases.
b. Top keywords should be used in your app name.
c. Avoid conjunctions and prepositions in keywords.
d. Use commas rather than spaces.

The Google Play Store :--

In Google Play Store, try to sprinkle the relevant keywords and apps description. According to sensor tower strategy, the optimal number of times the keyword searches in the app store will help you to maximize the ranking of the keyword. For better ranking results, write for the customer first then for focus on ranking algorithms.

4. Describe The Compelling Description & Category :--

The app description should be targeted to your customer base and potential customers. The description should be used as the call to action for the potential audience. The proper description benefits your app search ranking with the use of relevant keywords. So we recommend describing your app description effectively so that it can immediately grab the reader attention. In the app store, the placing of the apps in the proper category is equally important for app store optimization. The following points you can go with:

a. First, pick the right category that describes your app best.
b. Choose the least competitive category which gives you the chance to rank better.
c. Look for the estimated app worth EAW of the top ranking apps.

5. Add App Screenshots & Videos :--

Screenshots are also the very important aspect of the App Store Optimization in the app description. The screenshot does not show direct impact on the search rankings. Images describe more about the applications along with the descriptive text. It allows potential customers to visualize your app by using and downloading it. In app stores, you can technically upload any graphic into the screenshot field which defines the concept or character. You can add five screenshots in an iOS app store and eight in an Android play store.

7. Launch Regular Updates :--

Mobile users consistently look for the updated apps which are improving day by day with the customer feedback. The new app updates result in the customer satisfaction and better reviews that will encourage the higher rating of the app. The important point you can focus during the launch of new updates:

You can update the app description and can tell your customers what’s new you have in your app store product and outline the new features with the effective call to action.
Especially in the latest version, you can maintain five-star reviews in the large volume of your app. The survey revealed that the 90% customers check app reviews before downloading an app. Maintain the positive reviews on your app is an easy win.

You can entice your customers by notifying them about your app update and the improvements you have made in your app.

App Store Optimization techniques ensure the successful app downloads & visibility in the app store. While the Apple & Google both the app store doesn’t share same methodologies in the App Store Optimization rankings. By following the above steps you can improve the App Store Optimization of your application.

Thanks & Regards, 
Saurabh Jain
Android Developer
AeroSoft Corp
Mob No - 9907031431









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  - सौर एंव उर्जा विभाग , भारत सरकार 

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