All In One Shop App

ebay (India)

#ebay, #India

MLM Companies

Multi Level Marketing is a form of direct sales Home business in which 

Independent representatives sell goods and services from a company to an end 

consumer. The Multi-level aspect refers to each representatives ability to recruit 

and train other representatives, and Earn a commission on their reps' sales.

Income earned in MLM comes from the Commission earned on personal Sales, 

as well as a percentage of the Sales earned by other reps recruited by you.

Oriflame India
Enjoy shopping of top quality Swedish products which combine the best of 

nature, science and trends with instant discount of 20%.
Oriflame has been helping people to look, feel and live better. Join us in 

celebrating all the incredible stories along the way. Oriflame has helped people to 

look, feel and live better – enriching the lives and fulfilling dreams of the many.
For Oriflame, the journey to fulfilling a dream is as exciting as the goal. The path 

may be different for everyone, but they all share one thing – that beautiful feeling 

of making a positive change. Of taking charge of your destiny and writing your 

own history.Fifty years on and Oriflame’s global community is filled with these 

inspiring and heart-warming stories. Stories of progress, passion and Personal 

Success. We invite you to celebrate these stories with us throughout our 

anniversary year. And to celebrating many more in the future!
                                "LET’S MAKE HISTORY TOGETHER"


Its A success Journey of two men who had a dream for a better life for their 

families. They built a company on principles, people and products that have 

touched millions of lives around the world.
One of the world's largest direct selling businesses powered by:
Brands That Do Wonders
Opportunities That Empower
Relationships That Endure
Global Citizenship That's purposeful


The soul of Tupperware brand is its Worldwide Sales Force. Fusing the quality, 

craftsmanship and utility – It is this holistic approach that unites all the product 

categories with one identity, the Tupperware Identity!
In India, Tupperware has made an Unwavering commitment to Enlighten, Educate 

and Empower Women and their families across the Globe.
The Vision of tupperware is to sustain Tupperware India’s position, as the most 

effective and premier relationship-based company.To maintain being the marketer 

of quality, of Innovative Products and Brands.
We want to Inspire confidence in whosoever joins us – Whether our sales force, 

associates, channel partners, consumers and Investors.
Strengthen Each and every household by Empowering the woman is the 

objective of our company.
Our values are the foundation of what we believe and are Passionate about 



HerbalLife is a Global Nutrition company that has helped people pursue a 

healthy, active life since last 25years. Our nutrition, weight-management and 

personal care Products are available exclusively through our more than 2.3 

million Independent Associates in more than 90 countries.
We support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife 

program to help bring good Nutrition to children in need. We also sponsor 

World-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including the LA 

Galaxy and FC Barcelona soccer clubs, as well as champions in more than 15 

other Sports.
Our Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business 

opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and Weight-Management 

products in the World.

Hindustan Liver 

Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) is Indias Largest fast-moving consumer goods 

Company. HUL operates in seven Business segments. Soaps and Detergents 

includes soaps, detergent bars, detergent powders and scourers. Personal 

products include products in the Categories of oral care, skin care (excluding 

soaps), hair care etc.


Avon is the Company that for 130 years has proudly stood for beauty, innovation, 

optimism and, above all, for women. Avon products include well-recognized and 

beloved brands such as ANEW, Avon Color, Avon Care, Skin-So-Soft, and 

Advance Techniques sold through nearly 6 million active independent Avon Sales 


Our story is one of Innovation. Of dreaming beyond the ordinary, of caring for the 
common man and creating a Business Empire whose greatest wealth are its people. Whose greatest success is its Passion, and whose only philosophy is "Dare to Dream" and make those Dreams come Alive. 

Education is an Online Education Business of Info Edge India. This is a 

marketplace which connects the Education seekers with the Education providers. 

Information on Educational Institutes, programs, Scholarships and Admission 

notifications for undergraduate programs, vocational courses providing 

Professional degrees or certificates and higher education in India and abroad is available on the Website.


Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You ?
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February -
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Share with all your Friends and Family
Click on Your Birth Month Link 
Know What does your Birth Month 
Say About You ?

IARC Rating Certificate All In One Shopping Android App

IARCRating Certificate
App Title:All In One Shopping Android AppCertificate Issued To:AeroSoft Corp
Certificate ID:4bef208b-91a8-4b26-b854-4d910763c646Storefront:Google Play
Date Issued:Monday, April 9, 2018
This rating may only be used on storefronts participating in IARC. It may not be used on physical products.
Rating AuthorityRegionRating CategoryContent Descriptors
ESRBThe AmericasE
GenericOther Regions3
A permanent record of this certificate may be accessed here.
For more information about the rating authorities above, please click here
If any of the ratings listed above appear to be incorrect, a rating check request can be made here. Prior to soliciting this service, please ensure that the questionnaire submitted for this certificate was filled out correctly. Note that this process may take 1-3 business days to initiate and will likely require additional materials to be submitted to reach a final decision.
Terms under which this rating is provided:
  1. You agree that your responses,which will be used to rate this product, are complete, accurate and take into account all content in the product submitted for rating.
  2. The rating authority for each region reserves the right to revise the rating assigned to your product for that region if it determines that such rating is not appropriate for the product. In such cases, IARC will automatically notify participating storefronts and require them to update the displayed rating information. You will also be notified and required to update the rating information wherever it is displayed outside of the storefront (e.g., advertising, product websites).
  3. The assigned ratings may only be used on digital storefronts participating in IARC. These ratings may not be used on any physical product.
  4. The ratings are trademarks of their respective rating authorities and may be used only when assigned and only for purposes of informing consumers about the content and age-appropriateness of the product.
  5. If you believe a rating was incorrectly assigned to your product, you may request a rating check directly from the corresponding rating authority by using the "request a rating check" link provided.
  6. Content updates to your product that would alter any of your original responses require a new submission and a subsequent new rating certificate for the product.
  7. This rating is only valid for the exact title listed on this rating certificate. Any change made to the title requires a new submission and a subsequent new rating certificate for the product. This includes minor changes (e.g., adding the word "Free" or "Pack 2")
  8. For the benefit of consumers, the rating authorities strongly encourage you to use the assigned ratings on all advertising and marketing materials, subject to the Advertising And Marketing Guidelines For IARC-Rated Games.
  9. You acknowledge that this rating certificate is issued by IARC and your use of the assigned ratings does not imply or guarantee your compliance with the rules, laws or regulations which may be applicable to the advertising, marketing or sale of your product in any region or jurisdiction.


Jokes Ki Dukan

जोक्स की दुकान

एक चोर - चोरी कर के,
घर से जा ही रहा था

बच्चे की आँख खुल गयी...
और बच्चा बोला :

स्कूल बैग भी ले जा कमीनें,
वरना शोर मचा दूँगा..


👨पापा – “बेटा, आज
तेरी मम्मी इतनी चुप-चुप क्यों बैठी है ?”
👦बेटा – “मेरी गलती से
👨पापा – “नालायक,
ऐसा क्या किया तूने ?”
👦बेटा – “मम्मी ने लिपस्टिक
मांगी थी … मैंने गलती से ‘फेवीकिक दे
दी !!!”
👨पापा – “जुग-जुग जियो मेरे लाल …
भगवान ऐसा बेटा सबको दे😝😜

पप्पू कार धो रहा था 
तभी पास से आण्टी गुजरी आैर पूछा" कार धो रहे हो "...😁😁
" नही पानी दे रहा हूं, शायद बडी होकर बस बन जाए...
            आण्टी बेहोश😝😝

मैंने ज़िन्दगी में जितना भी सफर
किया है
उससे मुझे एक बात का अनुभव हुआ है
कि ट्रेन कभी पंचर नहीं होती😂😂😂😂

कितना रोया था वो लड़का महबूबा को मोबाइल गिफ्ट करके...

जब रात 3 बजे तक वो सुनता रहा.. आप के द्वारा डायल नम्बर दूसरी लाइन पर व्यस्त है ✋ 😝 ✋ 😝

लड़का : कल से हम कही और मिलेंगे ।😘
लड़की : 😕क्यों ?
लड़का : बड़े ज़ालिम है तेरी गली के बच्चे..😐
लड़की : क्यों क्या हुआ ? 
लड़का : कुत्ते पीछे लगा कर कहते है
"जब प्यार किया तो डरना क्या.. "😃😂😜

अध्यापिका- एक दिन ऐसा आएगा जब पृथ्वी पर पानी नही रहेगा। सब जीव नष्ट हो जाएंगे।
पृथ्वी तबाह हो जाएगी। 
पप्पु - मैडम जी, 
उस दिन ट्यूशन आना है क्या? 😆😆😆😆
पत्नी चांदनी रात में अपने पति के
साथ लेटी थी 😍

पत्नी – जानू तुम्हें मुझमें क्या अच्छा लगता है...? 😊

पति – मुझे तुमसे जुडी हर चीज़ अच्छी लगती है डार्लिंग...😉
पत्नी – जैसे कि बताओ ना...?😊😍

पति –
जैसे तुम्हारी छोटी बहन प्रिया...😋😍
तुम्हारी मौसी की लड़की शालू...😜😜
तुम्हारी मामी की लड़की शीतल।.😄😄
तुम्हारी बुआ की लड़की नेहा..😂😂
तुम्हारे पडोसी की बेटी ममता...😁😁
तुम्हारी सहेली पिंकी...😋

पति के दोनों घुटनों और जबडे का इलाज चल रहा है 👊👋
लाइफ मे पैसा,💵
प्यार 💞. . . . . . . .,
दोस्त👬 . . . . . . . . ,
सब आते है पर,
टूटे हुए 😬दाँत नही आते,
मेसेज किया करो वरना,
कसम से 😄😄हँसते हुए बहुत शरमाओगे.

A Poem written by husband in the recession, To his wife

A Poem written by husband in the recession, To his wife ...

मंदी में पति की लिखी एक कविता अपनी पत्नी को...

प्रिय क्यूँ तुम नए-नए
सूट सिलाती हो !

पुरानी साडी में भी तुम
अप्सरा सी नजर आती हो !!!

इन ब्यूटी पार्लरों के
चक्करों में ना पडा करो !

अपने चांद से चेहरे को
क्रीम पाउडर से यूँ ना ढका करो !!

रेस्टोरेंट होटल के खाने में क्या रखा है !

तुम्हारे हाथों से बना घर का खाना, 

इनसे लाख गुना अच्छा है !!!

इन सैर सपाटों में वो बात कहाँ !

तुम्हारे मायके जैसा
ऐशो-आराम कहाँ !!!

नौकरों से खिटपिट में,
मत सेहत तुम अपनी खराब करो !

झाडू-पौछा लगा
हल्का सा व्यायाम करो !!!

सोने-चांदी में मिलती
अब सो सो खोट है !

तुम्हारी सुन्दरता ही 

24 कैरेट प्योर गोल्ड है !!!

माया-माया मत किया कर पगली,
यह तो महा ठगिनी है !

मेरे इस घर-आंगन की तो, 

तू ही असली धन लक्ष्मी है !!

        😀 हैप्पी मंदी 😀


why you new
Shake the suit!

In the old sari also you

Nymphs look like !!!

These beauty parlors

Do not fall into the dizziness!

To your face with the moon

Cover the cream powder with nothing!

What is kept at the restaurant restaurant restaurant!

Home made with your hands,

It's a million times better !!!

Where these things are in these picnic spots!

Like your mate

Ashho-Rest Where !!!

In the buttocks from the servants,

Do not spoil your health!

Broom-puffed up

Exercise a little bit !!!

Gold and silver

Now sleep is sleepy!

Your beauty

24 carat pure gold !!!

Maya-Maya did not do it,

This is a great stain!

So of my home-courtyard,

You are the real wealth Lakshmi !!

        😀 Happy Recession 😀

मंदी में पति की लिखी एक कविता अपनी पत्नी को...

प्रिय क्यूँ तुम नए-नए
सूट सिलाती हो !

पुरानी साडी में भी तुम
अप्सरा सी नजर आती हो !!!

इन ब्यूटी पार्लरों के
चक्करों में ना पडा करो !

अपने चांद से चेहरे को
क्रीम पाउडर से यूँ ना ढका करो !!

रेस्टोरेंट होटल के खाने में क्या रखा है !

तुम्हारे हाथों से बना घर का खाना, 
इनसे लाख गुना अच्छा है !!!

इन सैर सपाटों में वो बात कहाँ !

तुम्हारे मायके जैसा
ऐशो-आराम कहाँ !!!

नौकरों से खिटपिट में,
मत सेहत तुम अपनी खराब करो !

झाडू-पौछा लगा
हल्का सा व्यायाम करो !!!

सोने-चांदी में मिलती
अब सो सो खोट है !

तुम्हारी सुन्दरता ही 
24 कैरेट प्योर गोल्ड है !!!

माया-माया मत किया कर पगली,
यह तो महा ठगिनी है !

मेरे इस घर-आंगन की तो, 
तू ही असली धन लक्ष्मी है !!

        😀 हैप्पी मंदी 😀

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