What You Need to Know about Distractions By Nehha S Kotharie Soft Skills Trainer,Graphologist

What You Need to Know about Distractions

By Nehha S Kotharie 

Soft Skills Trainer,Graphologist

Is distraction a curse or a blessing? Not giving full attention to what we should be doing makes us miss deadlines, fail classes, and crash into other drivers. Distraction certainly has a price. Nonetheless, we love our distractions! 

Our brains have a limited ability to focus. We can’t pay attention to everything around us all at once so we must choose what to focus on. For example, we may choose to focus on work while struggling to resist more interesting distractions.

Distraction is “the process of interrupting attention” and “a stimulus or task that draws attention away from the task of primary interest.”1 In other words, distractions draw us away from what we want to do, whether it’s to accomplish a task at home or work, enjoy time with a loved one, or do something for ourselves.

If distraction becomes a habit, we are unable to sustain the focus required for creativity in our professional and personal lives. Worse, if we are constantly pulled away from friends and family by distractions, we miss out on cultivating the relationships we need for our psychological well-being.

🔹It's normal to be distracted. That's how we're built. The ability to react instantaneously to noise, to movement, to the appearance of other people was for our ancestors the key to survival in the wilderness. 


🔹Prevention is the best strategy. We find it hard to resist distractions, so it's best to avoid them altogether. Yeah, we can heroically fight the urge to read a new letter, and we might even be able to do it. However, it is much more reliable to simply turn off notifications about new emails. 


🔹There are no 100% effective methods. Every method of dealing with distractions is unreliable in its own way.


🔹Combating distractions is unthinkable without planning. Distractions can only be prevented by planned work.


🔹Prioritizing is the main "insurance" against distractions. As we work, our attention span inevitably decreases: we get tired and distracted more often. Therefore it is better to perform all the most important tasks at the very beginning.

Nehha S Kotharie 


Soft Skills Trainer

Lesson for Business Leaders

Leadership to Build Great Team and Winning Team 

https://bit.ly/3IsEmyI   #lbl Lessons for Business Leaders  

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What You Need to Know about Distractions

By Nehha S Kotharie 

Soft Skills Trainer,Graphologist


Lesson for Business Leaders (LessonfromBusinessLeader) Profile Image | Linktree

Lesson for Business Leaders

Leadership to Build Great Team and Winning Team https://bit.ly/3IsEmyI

Build Confidence And Destroy Fear by Aditi Sood

Build Confidence And Destroy Fear

by Aditi Sood


#Destroy Fear






Confidence is a simple and small word that we all use in our day to day life but any body can really think about it’s actual meaning. #Confidence means that you have to be sure on your feelings and your #Abilities. This is not like to become superior  to others, it’s  quite like that you have to be capable.

Now on the other side we are going to talk about the #Fear , it’s one if the seven universal #Emotion that experienced by everyone around the world. 

This article may helps you a lot to know how can you #Build Your Confidence and Destroy Fear. Below I mention few important points that helps to know more about it.

@Detach your Fear and take action

@ Always think positively

@ Understanding of other people for betterment

@ Always choice right and make moral also

@ Act like confident people even if you are not on that time.

In short you must say that your brain is like a bank where you may deposit your thoughts and withdrawal as well. You have to deposit only positive thoughts. While you go to sleep at night you have to recall all your #Positive Thoughts and #Sucessfull experience only.

 Aditi Sood Mahajan

 Graduate in Mass communication

CW / Blogger
