Success Through Goal Setting By Aditi So0d

 Success Through Goal Setting

By Aditi So0d 

#Set Goals that are Specific

#Set Goals that are Measurable

#Set Goals that are Attainable

#Set Goals that are Realistic

#Set Goals that are Timely

#Believe in the Process

#Write it Down

#Remain Accountable

The word #Goal is to help you to trigger new behavior and help you focus on what’s important in your life. #Success is not about setting goals only. It’s all about achieving them. Let’s have a look at the top strategies for how you set Goals in your life and become a Successful person.

·      Write what you Think

 Whenever you start thinking about your goal, simply you have to write whatever you think as well as their completion date. This can be your #Key to Success, as writing down your goal will give you the position as you are the #Creator. If you missed this important step that means you are not focused on your dream.

·      #Believe in the Process

 This is another main step to setting goals and get success in your life. If you don’t have the confidence about your project, about your abilities then you will not come on where you want.

·  Start to take Action

 Goals are not going to achieve themselves, once you are clear about your plan then time to take action. Even a very small step n towards your project makes you one step closer to #Success.

·  Don’t be afraid to ask for Help

When anybody enters a new venture that’s a very much crucial time. Asking for help is not a bad thing for expanding any idea or any project. If you include people in your plan, it is a good thing because alone you may find difficulties in your path.  

Goal Setting is important because it allows you to set Goal Posts or Milestones for where you are in relation to a Broader Picture. The Goal is a Productivity Tool to track where you are and your Progress in relation to things that may take Days, Weeks, Months, or Years.

Goals provide a Roadmap to Success.

Goals Facilitate Laser-like Focus.

Goals help combat Procrastination.

Goals help build Self Confidence 

Goals help to Increase Momentum.

Goals Evolve as you do.

Goals allow you to define what's Important.

Aditi Sood Mahajan

 Graduate in Mass communication

CW / Blogger

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Lesson for Business Leaders

Leadership to Build Great Team and Winning Team

Keeping Resilient and Positive Attitude towards Life By Sushmita Naha Dhar #Resilient #Positive #Attitude #Life

Keeping Resilient and Positive Attitude towards Life

By Sushmita Naha Dhar





Resilient Attitude is something with which you can get back to your past happy state by overcoming the difficulties. This attitude can be compared with a rubber band when it is stretched, it can get back to its original shape like before. If any person is Resilient, that person handles every situation much better who are driven by sorrow and grief, Resilient people have control in life. These people are focused on life and very much proactive and negativity can not come in their path.

How to follow the path of Resilience:

·   Prioritizing relationship can help you out to build up Resilience in life. You need to connect to empathetic and understanding people so that you are never left alone in the middle of difficulties.

·   Selflove is a key to get Resilience in life. Stress is common problem in day-to-day life, so the stress is both emotional and physical. Maintaining proper lifestyle, nutrition, proper sleep routine can help in building the Resilience

·   Practicing yoga can help to get both mental and physical peacefulness, as it will allow the positivity to get in and all the negativities will be left back.

A recent study has shown that the women who has optimistic attitude towards life have shown lesser risk of dying from major diseases. It is very important to keep positivity in life to live a healthier, longer and stress-free life. Here are a few steps to follow how to achieve positivity in life:

·       Difficulties and challenges are part of our life, in between these situations also we need to follow some positivity, though they might seem very negligible at that point of time.

·       Expressing gratitude can lead you towards the path of positivity. If you show your gratitude at least once a day, then there will be some kind of comfort and happiness will be brought back.

·       Laughter can help to relieve your stress, and it has been proved in studies. Laughing can instantly lightens the mood and relaxes the mind immediately.

·       Try to be around with the positive and good people as spending time with the good people can bring the positivity in life

·       Pointing out the negativity in your area can help to rectify yourself and thus, you will be able to overcome from all the problems and negativity.

Sushmita Naha Dhar [Honors and MA  in English]

Author / CW / Blogger

Keeping Resilient and Positive Attitude towards Life

By Sushmita Naha Dhar





How To Dream Big Like Smart Leaders By Aditi So0d #Dream #Leadership #Hard Work #Smart Leaders #Confidence #Big Dream

How To Dream Big Like Smart Leaders

By Aditi So0d



#Hard Work

#Smart Leaders


#Big Dream

Everybody have dreams in their life but #Dream big can be incredibly inspiring. Dreaming is not only the thing that you are required to be successful in your life as well you have to do lots of hard work to achieve your targets.

Today, I am going to show you how you #How You Dream Big Like Smart Leaders. To achieve big in your life then you have to believe in yourself, it sounds very simple but when anyone can dream for their future most of the people think that its very difficult to achieve. 

#Dreaming is nothing without an action, take any action to turn your Dream into truth. It doesn’t matter if your step is small or big one. Don’t keep your dream a secret, always share that with your loved ones, You never know who will help you achieve that.

Whenever you peruse with your #Big Dream you found some of the people who want to spread negativity in your mind. But you have to be very clear about what you want to do in your life. If you want to become a smart # Leader too then you have to be a disciplined in all manner, not only this is require but so many important points you have to get in your mind like:

@ Be more Open-Minded.

@Become more Flexible to Change.

@ You have to learn to listen and so on… 

Aditi Sood Mahajan

 Graduate in Mass communication

CW / Blogger

How To Dream Big Like Smart Leaders

 By Aditi So0d 



#Hard Work

#Smart Leaders


#Big Dream