By Urvashi Arya
#Managerial Qualities
#Managerand Leader
#Leadership Skills
#Organizational Skils
#Managerial Skills
#Team Building
Being a manager is a difficult job. This job asks you to take on more responsibility, step up as a leader, and learn a new set of abilities.
People management abilities are the most valuable of all the new talents you'll need to learn. This makes it obvious; after all, your primary responsibility is to connect with and assist your staff as a manager.
But how can you know which people management skills to focus on when there are so many? While there's no incorrect or correct response to this scenario, here are a few essential and required skills that every manager needs to have to succeed in their roles.
1. Communicate – In a Meaningful Way:
This may seem self-evident, but practical communication skills are essential for any boss. This involves communicating effectively, transparently, and in a way that your staff understands. If you're unsure about your communication abilities, your coworkers can act as a sounding board.
Communication is a breeze when your team is only a few people. When you have a team of ten individuals, you need to hold regular meetings to keep everyone informed about what's going on. When your firm has 100 employees, you must invest much more in communication to ensure that your staff is engaged and that you are a good manager.
Many of your staff are misinterpreting project instructions, so you check in with them to figure out what's going on. It turns out that your project communication was confusing, which perplexed your crew.
You get actionable feedback on what went wrong and enhance that area of your communication approach to ensure this doesn't happen again.
2. Demonstrate your trustworthiness:
The capacity to display trust in the people you manage is one of the most crucial qualities to have as a manager. According to studies, 61 percent of employees believe that trust between them and their superiors is critical to job fulfillment.
But you don't even need to look at the numbers to understand that this is true. It'll be hard to find someone who appreciates being micromanaged or feeling untrustworthy in their employment.
Your high-performing employee wants to advance in their position and take on a new project that will test them. You encourage and push them to go for it and assure them that you'll be there to help and assist them in any way you can. As a result, the employee produces excellent results and expresses gratitude to you for entrusting them with such an enormous task.
3. Exercising Empathy:
Empathy is essential for building great relationships with your staff. Bringing compassion to your talks as a manager will make it easier for your employees to open up to you, whether they have a professional disagreement or deal with personal issues at home.
Don't worry if you don't think you're inherently compassionate. Empathy, according to studies, is a skill that can be learned.
Your team member has recently lost a close family member and is having trouble concentrating at work. You give them the required push to take as much time as they need to heal, give them more leeway with their deadlines, and relieve them of some of their responsibilities.
Your colleague feels comfortable speaking up to you about additional challenges or problems because you showed Empathy throughout this challenging scenario.
4. Actively listen:
Accurate, deep listening skills are challenging to master, but managers who possess them are almost always more effective than those who lack them. On the other hand, managers who listen are truly there throughout a conversation and take in the information they provide.
Managers who listen to the dialogue, on the other hand, are not entirely engaged and are likely to overlook important information.
Your employee is irritated and needs to express himself. Rather than zoning out throughout the conversation, you pay close attention and pinpoint the problem's source. You brainstorm a solution and take action to address the start of the issue as a group.
5. Inspire Others:
Most of the employees you supervise will inevitably become trapped in a rut. Maybe they're bored with their projects, unsure about their career path, or simply uninterested in work. Whatever the cause, you must be able to boost them up and urge them to resume their previous levels of performance.
This entails more than just encouraging them; it also necessitates identifying the source of their disengagement and devising strategies to address it actively.
Your team's top performer appears to be uninterested. You approach them to discover what's up and discover that they're bored because they aren't being challenged.
Fortunately, there's a big project that's recently started and could use some extra support. Because your employee is ecstatic about this new chance, you collaborate to ensure that they are prepared for success.
6. Acknowledgement:
You were probably recognized for your work as an individual contributor before you became a manager. As a manager, your job has reversed, and your attention has shifted to putting the team in the spotlight.
There are numerous advantages to honoring your employees, including that 85 percent of organizations that spend 1% or more of payroll on recognition perceive increased employee engagement.
Your team has spent weeks repairing a bug that was causing many headaches for your customers. Your reward and recognize them with an impactful recognition idea once the problem is fixed, such as offering thanks at the next all-hands meeting or taking the team out for a pleasant lunch on the company's dime.
7. Assign responsibilities:
This isn't just about distributing work to your team at random. It all concludes with listening to your employees' goals and preferences and factoring them into your decisions.
This can be not easy because you can't always make everyone happy, but your team will understand if you make a real effort and convey the reasoning for your decisions.
You're going to start a massive project, so you call a team meeting to see who would be interested in working on what. You take the time to carefully evaluate everyone's ideas and delegate assignments based on what you heard and feel to be the best decision for the team after hearing everyone's preferences.
8. Give your feedback:
One of your most critical and crucial responsibilities as a manager is providing feedback, not just during performance reviews. It's vital to provide your staff with regular feedback on what they're doing well and where they can improve.
This is a difficult skill to perfect since it necessitates the use of the appropriate wording and striking a balance between candid and empathic.
It would help if you had a challenging chat with one of your employees about how they can improve their performance.
You approach the conversation with an open mind and transparent communication to ensure that your employee understands the problem but does not feel threatened. You collaborate on a performance improvement plan and meet regularly to ensure it's on track.
9. Join the dots:
You don't want your employees to think of you solely as their "boss." While this was previously the norm in the workplace, it is no longer the case, as modern businesses emphasize building genuine, long-term connections with their employees.
As a result, mastering the ability to connect with others is a crucial people management talent. This involves relating to your team on a personal level and schedule. Taking the time to check in on them every day, weekly, or monthly shows you care for your colleagues as people, not simply employees at your company.
It's a busy season at your company, so you make a dedicated effort to get together for lunch or keep a check in on them via Slack on occasion and the weekly one-on-ones you've set up with the staff you supervise. As a result, your employees felt cared for and supported throughout this stressful time.
10. Assist Others:
Finally, when it comes to being a manager, the capacity to empower others is critical. Providing employees the liberty to make and implement their own decisions and start with taking upon delegated responsibilities — in other words, giving them the time and space they need to succeed – is what empowerment is all about.
Your employee wants to launch a new initiative that they're enthusiastic about, but getting the leadership team on board will take some convincing. You encourage the employee to enroll in the program and provide them with the support, resources, and information they require to be successful.
Your employee takes the fresh concept and goes with it, presenting it to the leadership team and utterly surprising them.
Final Thoughts
Don't worry if you can't check off all of these people's management abilities. The nice thing about these abilities is that anyone can learn them — all it takes is some deliberate practice and self-awareness.
Start with a few personally meaningful to you or are characteristics you admire in previous managers. You'll be able to build a comprehensive range of people management skills over time.
Urvashi Arya
Urvashi Arya - Content Writer - Vantage ITeS Consulting | LinkedIn