Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid BY Urvashi Arya

5 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

BY Urvashi Arya



#ErrorsIn Blog



I want to render a generous help to you in avoiding some frequent beginner blogging mistakes before you get too far into it. These errors are almost a rite of passage, but why is one waste of time making blunders you can avoid?

1. Automatically Loading Music:

Please. I implore you, and your readers beg you: remove the auto-loading music! Auto-loading music is inconvenient and unexpected, but it also consumes much bandwidth. It slows down(reduces) the loading of your blog. 

Do you want to lose a reader because your site didn't load quickly enough? Will she be angry if she waits for your site to load because she didn't realize there would be music, had her speakers on high by accident, and a sleeping spouse (or child) beside her? I can bet upon you that she will not return.

2. Using a dark background and light text design:

This is more about use and readability than your style (though that is a factor). Reading on the internet is more difficult for our eyes than reading on paper. Using a dark background with light writing makes your readers' eyes work even harder.

3. Too much clutter in the sidebar:

Readers respond well to a clean, uncluttered design. The white space you have, the less clutter there is. This white space can direct your readers' attention to specific material. Your photographs and headlines will be more prominent.

You display your trophies, badges, and other trinkets on your sidebar because you're proud of them? That's fine; those are also rites of passage. You don't have to get rid of them, but why not create a separate page for them and link to it from your main page? You'll declutter the sidebar by swapping 20 links for one. Decluttering your sidebar makes it easier for your reader to navigate. When there are fewer competing items

4. Plagiarism by Accident (even with photos):

Only a small percentage of genuine bloggers plagiarise intentionally. A rookie blogger is likely to be unaware of their actions (although it does not excuse them). Plagiarism is when you use someone else's content, whether text, photos, music, photographs, or anything else.

Many beginner bloggers will Google an image, save it, and then utilize it in a blog post. Even if you cite where you got the picture, that's plagiarism because you didn't ask the owner whether you may use it.

Take a moment to learn about and comprehend plagiarism and copyright issues. You should also be aware of Creative Commons.

What if your words were used without your consent? Copyscape can be used to see if your content has been copied. If you discover that your work has been utilized without your permission, go to What to Do When Someone Steals Your Blog Post.

5. Instead of keyword words, use "click here" for links:

Carefully select your connection words. Consider how you'll write that statement and where you'll put the link when creating a post and need to attach a link. Which of these, for example, is more effective (possible links in bold)?

The maximum sentence is more effective because it contains a keyword phrase that aids SEO and is more descriptive for readers. The term "click here" or even just the word "here" connects to other files or pages on the internet. When was that last time you looked up "click here" on the internet?

Urvashi Arya   

Urvashi Arya - Content Writer - Vantage ITeS Consulting | LinkedIn

Tips and Advice for Business Entrepreneurs By Harneet Kaur

Tips and Advice for Business Entrepreneurs

By Harneet Kaur 

Have a Solid Business Plan 

Work on Financial Challenges

Be Frugal 

Remember You're a Start-Up

Don't be Afraid to ask for Help.  

Put your Faith in a Trusted Mentor.  

Marketing on a Shoestring Budget.  

Look after Number One

Build a Team that shares Your Vision

Entrepreneurship is trending. You may find Entrepreneurship tempting to try with all the successful stories flooding social media. Reading all the success stories can be misleading. The path to being a successful Entrepreneur isn't as easy as it seems to be. There is quite a list of things that you need to be clear about. Learning from your business guru can be a blessing. However, if you do not have one, just read through the below for some handy tips.

  1. Do what you truly believe in. 

No business can ever flourish if the founder himself lacks confidence in it. If you do not have faith in your product, no consumer will have faith in it. There will be moments of appreciation and then criticism too. If you do not love what you do, don’t do it. As an Entrepreneur, you will be investing a lot of energy and time in your business. If it bores you or leaves you mentally frustrated, there is not much in it for you then. But on the other hand, if you are passionate about your work, it won’t frustrate you. You might be stressed out at times but the whole thing won’t seem like a sacrifice or burden. Coming up with new ideas and facing challenges will be thrilling if you truly enjoy your work.

2. Be open to learning

As an Entrepreneur, you will make mistakes. There will be decisions that will go wrong. Do not give up. Do not shy away from taking the responsibility for a wrong decision or failed attempt. Learn from your mistakes. The process of making your mistake in a learning lesson is important in becoming a successful Entrepreneur. Many great ideas are never executed because of fear of failure. Don’t be afraid to fail. A lot of new Entrepreneurs keep reading about success stories, listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos to learn. However, they fear implementing these learnings in their work. Overcome the fear. Learn and learn to execute.

3. Plan your finances.   

Your money is important, spend wisely. Set up a budget. It is fundamental to any financial plan.  Business requires tools for marketing. These tools are pretty costly.  As an Entrepreneur, you need to analyse and decide which tool works best for you. Not all tools fit your requirements. Choose your tool wisely. Also, understand how to manage your taxes. There are many provisions for Entrepreneurs and freelancers to help them file Income taxes and Save taxes. 

4. Build a strong Team.

Your ideas are great. You are all set to execute your idea. But for this, you need to have a strong team. Having a strong team saves you a lot of energy and time. Your team must specialise in the skills required in your business. The expectations and requirements must be established from day one. Communicate with your team and be open to their ideas, suggestions and opinions. Not only to these but be open to their complaints too. You must understand that a healthy environment is a must for a business to flourish. A workplace where team members are in a comfortable zone with each other tends to bring in profitable output. Consider expressing your appreciation for their hard work. It’s easy to let go of a team member. However, it's hard to find a member that can be an asset to your company. 

5. Ask for Customers' Reviews.

Stop assuming what your customers are looking for. Ask your customers directly. When you take their reviews seriously, you tend to work hard to improve your customer service. This is an essential part of your business. Also, to promote your business without actually investing a fortune in the marketing campaign, make sure your products are speaking for themselves.  Your customers will tend to promote these for you. Customers who are writing reviews or forums for you are loyal to your brand. You can trust them for a long-lasting relationship. Also, they are improving your organic search ranking for SEO. 

A lot of hard work, perseverance and vision goes into making a business successful. As a start-up do not hesitate to ask for help. You may consult a business nearby, a bank manager, and Social media forums or community for quality suggestions and opinions. Apart from all these tips, do not forget to safeguard your business. Consult an insurer who can help you with the best-suited plan for you and your business. This will be one of the best decisions you make as an Entrepreneur.

Harneet Kaur 

Content Specialist. Blogger

Looking for a Team of Very Creative and Innovative Content Writers for Blogs

Looking for a Team of Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers for Blogs

#Creative Writer  #Content Developer  #ThinkOutOfTheBox

#Freelance Writer



#YouTube Writer

#Social Media Manager

#Content Creator 

#Freelance Content Writer | 

#Blog Writer | 

#Article Writer is Asia's fastest growing Blog Based Social Media Startup well Sponsored by many Venture Capitals and Promoted by Govt of India under StartUp India Project. Our main Aim is to Empower New Gen Creative and Innovative Content  Writers to become Successful in Freelancing and Work From Home.  Now we wanna create a one-stop-shop for all Content Writing needs is one and only Blog Based Social Media Startup for Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers is one and only Blog Based Social Media Startup for Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers is Your one-stop-shop for all content writing needs. is Looking for a Team of Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers and following Professionals for mutual growth. is   Looking for a Team of Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers who can Create compelling Content to promote our  Brands! 

So many Very Creative and Innovative Content  Writers are struggling for Work today and Keep on posting Bla-Bla for Self Image and getting new Work, even Clients also take them for a Ride. At  We wanna give them a Solution of such issues.  

Creative English Content Writers to Work From Home to Help  our B2B & B2C Brands & Services with Copywriting & Content writing to nurture, persuade and convert our Target Audience.

You need to Curate: 

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3. Immediate Joiners will be Preferred.

4. Must be able to Think Out of The Box

5. Very Creative and Innovative

Sample :

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Post :  Creative Content  Writers for Blog 

1. Full Name-----------------

2. Date of Birth----------------

3. City -------------------

4. Sex --------------

5. Educational Qualification  --------------

6.  Career Options  Author / CW / Blogger 

Personal SWOT Analysis [ Optional ] 

Strengths : 

Weaknesses : 

Opportunities :

Threats  : 

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8. WhatsApp :

9. Linkedin :

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How to Expand Your Business Using Holistic Marketing Strategies By Urvashi Arya

How to Expand Your Business Using Holistic Marketing Strategies

By Urvashi Arya


#Holistic Marketing

#Internal Infrastructure

#Financial Management

#Marketing Management

Did you realize that just half of all enterprises last longer than five years? It may come as a surprise, but it is true. When we investigate the issue, we may discover various factors, including a lack of business plans, teamwork, and internal infrastructure. Some blame the failure on poor financial management or a lack of leadership. However, a closer examination reveals the absence of a practical and sustainable marketing approach.

Let's look at a case study to better comprehend it. A company is doing well and competing in the marketplace. It has big ideas and a forward-thinking mentality, and all the other ingredients for success. However, it does not invest or do enough to stay relevant in the market. It gradually fails to meet its objectives, eventually leading to significant losses.

The challenge here is what kind of marketing plan a company should employ. By all accounts, holistic approaches lead to success and enable a business to realize the benefits. Consider a comprehensive strategy for marketing with a single subject for a better understanding.

When we examine it, we can see that a comprehensive marketing strategy aids in the promotion and expansion of a company. But how will that expansion happen? This is what we'll be talking about in this article. Let's start with the four strategies to implement a comprehensive marketing strategy.

1. Marketing for Results:

Any holistic approach must include the role of performance marketing. It primarily promotes various commercial activities, such as brand marketing and keeping ethical standards. Digital robustness and efficacy are the first rules of marketing or promoting a brand. To accomplish this duty efficiently, a company must have a functioning website.

If a website lags and takes a long time to load, it will lose all of its visitors. Keep an eye on bandwidth usage and site performance to keep traffic flowing. To determine the number of incoming visitors, go to this site traffic checker.

You can go on to the next marketing phase after monitoring the speed. The first important distinction about performance marketing is that a buyer only pays when a specified task is completed. To put it another way, around, it's not a pay-per-click model. It enables a company to grow quickly while maintaining a concentrated strategy.

2. Internal Promotion:

It's an aspect that many businesses overlook, and there's a reason for it. When a business considers a solid marketing plan, it frequently considers external marketing. It concentrates solely on external resources and opportunities for brand promotion and pays insufficient attention to internal ones. However, there is plenty of potential within the company for advancement and eventual expansion.

Internal marketing is a strategy for investing in employees and treating them as integral firm members. It's all about earning their enthusiasm and assisting them in forging an emotional bond with the brand. Every member of the workforce is involved in the strategy's mission statement, objectives, values, and culture.

Internal marketing must be invested if a company wants to move forward with its expansion objectives. A business like this has teams ready to tackle any task or assignment. They work together to attain success by accelerating the rate of growth.

3. Marketing Integration:

Without incorporating the crucial components, no marketing strategy can be considered complete. The price strategy is the initial notion in integrated marketing. Top managers with product pricing experience play a key role in this phase. The product is then placed or deployed in the second stage.

The promotion strategy involves corporations promoting their brands on social media, which is the third part of integrated marketing. The communication strategy is the last in this series, and it allows firms to communicate a policy to the general public.

A company that wishes to expand should consider all aspects of integrated marketing. When they combine, they set the road for an organization's growth and advancement. To truly expand, the phases must be implemented in a coordinated fashion. All important components of a marketing plan should display cohesiveness and uniformity for a holistic approach.

4. Marketing Relationships:

If a company fails to create relationships with its employees and customers, it will fail. It is for this reason that smaller brands outperform larger brands. They have a strong reputation in the market and can form outstanding relationships with clients.

A relationship plays a critical role in a holistic approach. A company must treat customers well, and orders must be delivered on time. It should also have excellent relationships with its partners. Relationship marketing necessitates a positive relationship with competitors as well.

A comprehensive relationship marketing approach pulls individuals closer to a company and supports its values. The result is increased revenue as well as long-term growth and expansion. Such growth is sustainable, laying the groundwork for future success and milestone achievement.

The objective is to coordinate and connect all of the company's units and stakeholders. Once they are linked, a harmonic relationship develops, which impacts the company's success.

Important Takeaways

Only by implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy can a company achieve long-term success. It's about presenting a comprehensive, integrated, and all-encompassing policy. All of the discussed strategies must be considered in the holistic growth and expansion model.

Businesses are resorting to holistic methods as the business environment becomes increasingly demanding. They're looking for business function cohesiveness to implement and execute some aggressive expansion ambitions.

When such techniques are implemented, a company's growth is unrestricted. If you want to accelerate your company's growth, now is the moment to take a holistic strategy. A few future-oriented initiatives taken today can have a long-term influence.

Urvashi Arya   

Urvashi Arya - Content Writer - Vantage ITeS Consulting | LinkedIn