Creating an Effective and Creative Poster

Creating an effective and Creative Poster

Although it is assumed that the poster will do most of the talking, it is the role of the presenter to answer questions and explain the work in further detail. A successful poster will not only attract a viewer's attention, but will also outline accurately and concisely the aims, workings, and conclusions of your scientific research. Below are some suggested guidelines to help you prepare a successful and effective poster.


  • Determine how large your poster will be and how much space you have been allocated. Once you know this, you can begin to work out how much information you can to include. The purpose of a poster is not to simply stick every single bit of information you have on a board, but to be succinct and clear in what you are trying to present. Be clear as to the message that the poster is presenting so that relevant results are presented and discussed.

  • Think about your audience and what you are trying to achieve with your poster, as this will help to determine your poster style. For example, posters that are conveying a simple message (e.g. billboards and poster campaigns) tend to be very visual with non-technical content. By comparison, scientific posters will have more detailed and complex content.

  • Typically, a poster should contain: a title section, abstract or summary, short introduction, aims and objectives, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. You may also want to include a section detailing suggestions for further work; you could recommend how your work could be developed, or suggest other tests that could be applied.

  • Keep your title short and to the point so as to grab the attention of the viewer. The title section should also include the names of the people involved in the work.

  • Be selective in the results you include in your poster, display only those representing the main findings of your work, you can always keep other results close to hand in case you are asked about them. Use figures to present data in a concise form e.g. showing trends, but refer to figures where they support the text.

  • The conclusion of your poster should be the climax of your work, and needs to address the main aims and objectives of the project.

Layout and Format

  • It is very important that the text and data included in your poster follow a logical and hierarchical order. When we approach new information we tend to read from top to bottom and from left to right. Therefore, it makes good sense to lay your work out in this order. You could, for example, place your abstract in the top left corner and the conclusions in the bottom right corner. Remember that the poster should be able to lead the reader through the work presented.

  • An alternative layout to the one described above is to place the conclusions in the center of the poster and have the supporting work radiating out from it.

  • It may be helpful to provide arrows that direct attention to the sequence and order of the presentation. Excessive augmentation, however, can be distracting and confusing.

  • Keep the column widths at a size that is easy to scan.

  • Try not to present long and detailed sections of text. Bullet points can often be more effective and will maintain the reader's interest.

Images, Graphs and Photographs

  • If used in the correct way, graphics and visual images can greatly enhance your poster, increasing both understanding and interest. However, ensure that all graphics are relevant to your work, and linked by references e.g. figures numbers in the text.

  • Make sure that all diagrams are clearly captioned and easily seen. For example, a micrograph should be around 120 - 80 mm in size. Captions should be positioned below to the diagram/figure and the figure should be placed close to the relevant text.

  • Whenever possible captions on graphs and diagrams should be read horizontally (the exception to this is the vertical axis label on a graph).


  • Keep it simple, clear and concise. Obviously the poster needs to be eye-catching and attractive, but filling up your poster space with excess clutter can be distracting for the viewer.

  • Ensure that your font size is large enough to be legible from at least a meter away (e.g. 16 - 18 for the text and 24 - 36 for titles). Individuals will soon tire of having to lean in or squint to read small text. .

  • Try to use one or two font types at most. Too many font types can look messy and confusing, particularly if they are in the same sentence or paragraph. It is best to choose fonts that are easy on the eye, such as Times Roman or Arial.

  • Use caps and lowercase instead of all caps for easier reading.

  • Maintain a consistent style throughout.


  • Using colors on your poster is a useful way of attracting attention and can give your work impact. However, be careful to use color sparingly and with discretion, too many colors or borders can be distracting and look untidy.

  • Try to avoid bright, noisy or clashing colors.

  • A good tip is to use background and foreground colors that compliment each other and have high contrast. This will ensure that your text and images will stand out.

  • If you are using coloured text, make sure that it contrasts with the background paper, as it can be frustrating for the viewer to search for text that appears camouflaged.

 Posters are one of the oldest, most tried and true types of marketing collateral. Posters are an effective way to draw attention to your sales, events, fundraisers and more.

While there is no one right way to make a poster, there are still poster design best practices that you should follow.

So we decided to take it upon ourselves to write the ultimate, most in-depth poster design guide out there. If you want to learn how to design a poster from scratch, you’re in the right place.

What Makes a Good Poster?

  • Important information should be readable from about 10 feet away

  • Title is short and draws interest

  • Word count of about 300 to 800 words

  • Text is clear and to the point

  • Use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read

  • Effective use of graphics, color and fonts

  • Consistent and clean layout

  • Includes acknowledgments, your name and institutional affiliation

For a more prominent and perfect ideology a video will be helpful for making an effective and creative poster in no time.

An Ideal Daily Routine of An Organized And Professional Person by Priyanshi Singh

 An Ideal Daily Routine of An Organized And Professional Person

by Priyanshi Singh

   “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.”  

Big or small, healthy or unhealthy, our habits combine to form routines that play out every day for us. Most of this is done without us even having to think. That’s why, even though we understand the importance of having good habits, sometimes it’s tough to stick to a healthy daily routine.

Finding and adopting the right daily routine will re-energize you and help you regain wasted time. Your mind and body will thank you for the decreased anxiety and extra care you’ve given them. Here’s to a healthier, calmer, and higher-achieving you.

·       MAKE YOUR BED: - Prepare for the day by making your bed. It’s a quick chore that will put you in a productive, organized frame of mind. 

·       HAVE YOUR EQUIPMENTS AND CLOTHES LAID OUT THE NIGHT BEFORE: - If you like to work out, the morning is the best time to do it! It will leave you feeling full of energy and will give you a sense of accomplishment before you leave the house. Whether you like to go for a walk, take a gym class, or do yoga in your bedroom, make sure that you have all the equipment and clothing you need, laid out and ready the night before. 

·       WIPE DOWN LARGE SURFACES: - After your morning shower, spray down and wipe the largest surfaces in your bathroom. It’s much easier and more fun to do mini-cleans throughout the week than to wait until the weekend.

·       PUT EVERYTHING BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT: - When you’ve made your breakfast, put everything back exactly where you found it, as this makes everything easier the morning after. If you notice that you are running low on a grocery item, add it to a list you can take with you next time you pass the grocery store.

·       RUN THROUGH A LIST OF ESSENTIALS ITEMS: - Before you leave the house, run through a list of your essential items, such as your wallet, employee badge, water bottle, and so on. Keep a list of these items near your front door so you can quickly check your purse or bag before heading out the door as part of your daily routine.

·       PRIORITIZE YOUR TASK: - Make a list of tasks and decide whether they are important, urgent, both, or neither. Start with urgent and important tasks, move on to the important and non-urgent tasks, then tackle the unimportant but urgent jobs. Use this Full Life Planner to help you better organize your day. Writing a task list can always give you a sense of control.

·       PRIORITIZE YOUR EMAILS: - Before you start your day, spend 10 minutes prioritizing your e-mails. Get into the habit of deciding which ones need your urgent attention, which are important, which are both, and which are neither. Check your e-mails every couple of hours rather than every few minutes because frequent interruptions will impair your concentration and productivity.

·       KEEP YOUR FINANCES ON TRACK: - Take a couple of minutes to keep your finances on track each day as part of your daily routine. Check your bank balance and ensure you’re sticking to your budget.

·       PLAN FOR DINNER: - Do you need to pick anything up from the grocery store on the way home? Do you need to look up a recipe? This only takes a few minutes, but a bit of planning can save a lot of time later.

·       CLEAN YOUR DESK AT THE END OF THE DAY: - Take five minutes to clear your work desk before leaving for your break. It will help you feel more organized when you return.

·       REVIEW YOUR TO DO LIST: - If you aren’t making as much progress as you hoped, it’s time to rewrite it.

·       DO THE DISHES IMMEDIATELY AFTER DINNER: - Otherwise, you might be tempted to sit in front of the TV and get distracted.

·       DO A “BRAIN-DUMP”: - Doing a “brain dump” is helpful if you tend to lie awake worrying about what you need to do the next day. Once you have written them down, you can go to sleep knowing that you can refer to the list when you wake up

Priyanshi Singh 

Manager HR  

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd. 

Group Task for 2nd Sept 2022

 Group Task for 2nd Sept 2022

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