Top 10 Qualities or Secret of Success Of Interns at AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd. Surabhi Chourasia (MBA)

Top 10 Qualities or Secret of Success Of Interns at AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.

Surabhi Chourasia (MBA)



The secret of success of AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd interns are :


1. Adaptability


Part of being an intern at Aircrews Aviation Pvt ltd, is trying out different areas of a business to see what they enjoy and where they fit by themselves. This requires a certain amount of adaptability and getting stuck in whatever area interns are given to work on, even if it isn’t what they were expecting.


Indeed, while they might have an interest in a particular area, a willingness to become familiar with other areas of the business they all are interning with Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd will be viewed as an asset.

2. Open-mindedness

With adaptability comes an open mind. A willingness to understand different perspectives, try new methods and to accept that sometimes your way isn’t the best way. Someone with an open mind is willing to learn new things, which is a desirable quality among interns who are there to learn and grow as well as contribute

Open-mindedness is an essential ingredient to innovation. It is through trying new things, experimenting and making mistakes that we learn. Taking an internship with this approach will get you far.

3. Personability


In most roles at aircrews aviation pvt ltd, interns work with people, whether it’s colleagues, customers, or suppliers. They also have been connected  with social media mainly on  linkedin  and quora. Having a personable quality, with the innate ability to understand and connect with people is, therefore, important.

Establishing professional relationships, building rapport, networking, making sales and managing teams are all affected by how personable you are and understanding what makes people tick, where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and how to make people feel valued.

4. Self-direction


While Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd interns are going to need some guidance in an internship and they're there to learn, an employer wants to know that interns can use their initiative and that they won’t need constant direction. Being autonomous and able to self-direct is a great quality.

They all managed their own time, meeting deadlines, showing a strong work ethic and asking for help when needed are the kind of they all have worked on sincerely.

5. Discipline

Being self-disciplined, with defined goals, demonstrates a level of motivation. If an employer knows that you can be disciplined enough to get your tasks done, they don’t need to use up valuable resources micromanaging you.

Knowing that an employee is able to self-motivate, as well as motivate others in the process, and bring initiative and energy to the table is highly sought-after.

6. Commitment

With being disciplined comes a certain level of commitment. Putting your everything into a task or project and being committed to see it through to the best of your ability is a strong quality. 

You can demonstrate this on your application by thinking of a time you didn’t give up on something, even if you wanted to. This could be a sporting event or something that you found particularly difficult in another area of your life but that you saw through regardless.

7. Trustworthiness

Being trustworthy may not seem like something you have to highlight, but it is very important. AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd want people in their team who they can trust to do a job with minimal supervision, and who they know is dedicated to the role and can be depended on.

Showing integrity can lead to more responsibility and a better relationship with their team and superiors. This can be demonstrated through any position where they’ve been trusted with something, be it in a part-time intern, a volunteer role, or even to do a specific task at school over the rest of the class.

8. Curiosity



Wanting to learn and being inquisitive shows motivation and genuine interest, which is an excellent quality. Asking questions is a way to learn more and, in doing so, you will develop within your role. You can show your curiosity to support your internship application by researching the company, asking questions in the interview, and understanding their mission and values.

9. Enthusiasm

Being positive, excited and enthusiastic are qualities you can show no matter your background. Make it clear how much you want the internship you’re applying for, what you can bring to the role, and what positive impact it will have on your career.

AirCrews Aviation interns have Make sure that interns throw themselves into whatever is offered and get the most out of their experiences. Being positive is an indicator that they will relish opportunities, work hard and add value to the organization they worked for.

10. Punctuality


Simple things like being on time for work and attending meetings without being late are all very important qualities that aren’t to be overlooked. Being on time shows that you are committed, can be relied on and can manage your own time.

If you can manage your own time and meet deadlines, this benefits the whole team you work for and allows your manager to focus attention elsewhere, knowing that you have your time management in check.

Final thoughts

Internships are a great way to kickstart your career, with a whole host of benefits such as gaining relevant experience, references and to decide whether a job is right for you.

An internship is the first step in your career, but you won’t be expected to have a wealth of professional experience to draw on. That said, all the qualities mentioned in this article can be demonstrated through other areas of your life, such as part-time jobs, studies, sporting achievements, personal projects and extracurricular activities.   


It’s important that you draw on all sorts of experiences to highlight your skills and qualities in order to be in the running for a competitive internship. The qualities you need for an internship are essential for your career, as they are likely to be needed for future roles as well, so learning how to demonstrate them and then building on them further through an internship will put you in a great position to progress in your career.

The importance of skills is frequently highlighted, but qualities can be overlooked, even though they’re equally as important. Skills can be learnt, but qualities are often part of our personality, and while they can definitely be developed and improved, having certain qualities innately is a bonus that you should consider working into your applications.

Surabhi Chourasia (MBA)

Marketing Manager

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd

What are the Opportunities for an MBA Entrepreneurs by Pranita Jagtap MBA

What are the Opportunities for an MBA Entrepreneurs

 by Pranita Jagtap MBA 


Hello connectoins,

            Myself Pranita jagtap Pursuing MBA aspirant and currently working at Air Crew Aviation Pvt.Ltd as an Fintech Manager.Being an MBA Ian one has a greatest opportunity to come out an best Entrepreneur

             Following picture reflects the MBA gesture.There me and my friends Pradon and Yaseeen are happy to click a picture of being MBA'ians.

             The most important aspect an MBA learns when He/She is pursuing the "degree 

teaches the students technical, managerial and leadership skills.”

If an MBA's thinking of starting a business

a few key things you should do to maximize your chances of success:

Build your resume of experience and skills

Build your network of connections

Build and refine your soft skills

The resume showcases who you are as a potential employee or partner, it’s like your own personal sales pitch. The second two resources, however, are just as important. “Who you know” is as vital as “what you know,” and building a network is an essential part of anyone’s career. Similarly, your array of “soft skills” – such as interpersonal communication and personal management, go a long way toward ensuring your success.

Pranita Jagtap MBA 


Smartest Way to Create A Winning Business by PRIYANSHI SINGH MBA

Smartest Way to Create A Winning Business


A successful business strategy begins with formalizing a plan around three core elements: business objectives, target-audience and strategic management. Use these six action items to begin writing an effective business strategy that aligns with your organization’s goals. 

Consider your organization’s mission and vision statements

Identify your company’s core values

Conduct a SWOT analysis

Outline tactics to achieve goals

Create a plan for allocating resources to achieve the desired outcome

Evaluate results for effectiveness

The execution of business strategic planning requires discipline, and it is the responsibility of senior executives to promote processes that keep a team focused on the prize.



Develop a true vision: - Vision is an abstract word that means different things to different people. Classically, a vision or vision statement is a snapshot into the future. It should include aspirations of what type of company you want to be, and, unlike a mission statement, articulates what success looks like in clear terms (customers, markets, volume, etc.).

Define a competitive advantage: - At the essence, business development strategy is identifying how a company can deliver unique value to its customers. In many sectors of the economy, companies are stuck in a sea of sameness. A well-thought-out business strategy should consider how a company can create space from competition in its service offering, pricing model, delivery system and more.

Define your targets: - One of the most significant barriers to a strategic business plan is poor targeting. Absent of very specific targets, companies suffer from unclear messaging and thus misalignment between sales and marketing. Defining niches and specialties allows companies to focus resources (of course, some companies are generalists by design).

Clear target markets give a company the ability to create an integrated sales and marketing approach, where marketing enables sales productivity. Sales and marketing plans are executed more effectively when targets are tight.

Focus on systematic growth: - As one of our Vistage member clients says, “A thriving company is a growing company.” It is only through growth that companies can afford to invest in things like technology, the best people and new equipment. The strategic plan should identify in which segments a company will grow and in what proportion, so that the product mix yields a specific net margin result.

Make fact-based decision: - Strategy is a garbage in, garbage out exercise. Executives often complain about a lack of good data, but we consistently find information that is useful in the formation of business strategy.

We once worked with a Vistage member who was trying to quantify the value of various segments served. By accessing the public records of a nearby port, we were able to quantify actual shipments of merchandise by potential customers.

Long term strategic business plan: -In the face of constant change, planning horizons are shorter than they used to be. However, only thinking quarter to quarter is a trap that may rob companies of their ability to see around the bend. Best-in-class companies create processes designed to treat strategy as an annual cycle rather than a one-time, static event.

Flexible strategically inclusive: - To be flexible, companies are including different people in their strategy than in the past. At a time when companies are hiring more millennial employees, there is greater transparency. While I am never one to advocate that companies open their books (as that is a personal decision for the entrepreneur), there is certainly movement toward more inclusion and transparency.

Deciding who to include in strategy formation is a critical selection. We recommend business owners include people they can trust and that can think strategically.

Invest time in pre work: - If you want your managers to take strategy seriously, make them conduct research and prepare relevant information in advance of your strategy meetings.

Measure your results and execute excellently: - Every strategy should be actionable. Companies that are best-in-class:

  •   Have a strategic action plan that they track often (usually monthly).

  •   Promote common ownership of the plan across executives and departments.

  •   Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) that are predictive and align directly with the strategic plan.

  •   Have cascading goals that reach every department and resonate with employees so they understand how their role contributes to the greater good.

  •   Set up their corporate calendar to promote productive meetings, and establish a performance management cycle that supports cascading goals and objectives to every employee.

  •   Rinse and repeat their strategy cycle every year.



Manager HR

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd. 




 The formative and educational years of a student's life have an immense influence on the years that follow. College students are at the brink of experiencing new things while barely reaching adulthood. They are exposed to a world that is unique and different from the restricted one in high school. They also get freedom, which while being desirable is also pretty scary. All of these factors contribute to pressure, which in turn affects the psychology of college students. In their young budding years, students’ transition from young adults to proper adults takes place; they have both responsibility and freedom. They are targeted by society and burdened with expectations which affect their mental health, making them prone to various unfortunate issues.


Manager HR

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd. 

Top Keys to Success in Business By Manisha Rewani


Top Keys to Success in Business

By Manisha Rewani 

Starting and making a business grow in today’s world is no joke; entrepreneurs need to invest a lot of time, money, and energy in ensuring that their business succeeds. Even before you start a business, it is crucial to understand some of the key factors that can make a business see tremendous growth.

It is no secret that many businesses tend to fail in the first five years of being open. In fact, according to Investopedia, a whopping 45% of new businesses fail during the first five years of being open. This could be due to factors such as failing to create a viable business model, limited finances, failing to build a strong, reliable team, and failing to identify ways to stand out from the competitors.


It won’t be easier for you to make your business succeed if you are not organized. When you are organized, it will be easy to complete your daily or weekly tasks and stay on top of your to-do list. 

You should also encourage your staff or team to be organized too. That way, you will be working together as a team to achieve your objective, which ultimately is making the business grow.


When you venture into business, you will find that there is a company or individual already selling your products or service; unless, of course, you have brought a completely novel product on the market. But if this is not the case, you will always have competitors. The goal here is to find how you can stand out from them.

You can achieve that by analyzing them. They may be doing something right that you can implement in your business to generate more money. Some of the things you can pay attention to when analyzing your competitors include their price, the marketing tools they use, how they handle customers’ complaints, etc. If you want your business to succeed, do not brush off your competitors—you may learn something vital from them.


One of the top business keys to success is taking calculated risks. Risks are part and parcel of running a business. 

They can help you make the right decision and become a better entrepreneur who can take their business to the next level.


Consistency is key to success in business. If you are selling products or offering services, make sure that you consistently offer high-quality products and services. This way, your customers will trust you. 

Once you have established trust with your customers, they are less likely to move to your competitors. More sales mean more money, and ultimately, more growth. This makes consistency a crucial business key to success.


Your employees can either make or break your business. So it’s upon you to choose what you want. If you are focused on making your business succeed, it is crucial to work with the right people. 

The best way you can achieve that is by making the right hire. You need to hire individuals who are not only qualified but also pay attention to details and fit into your business values and culture.


In business, there are situations where you must make sacrifices. Sometimes you will have to work for longer periods and spend less time with your family and friends, or you may have to forego some luxuries to help your business grow. But these sacrifices will be rewarding in the long run. So as an entrepreneur, never be afraid to make sacrifices if you want your business to grow.


Creativity is also a business key to success. Creativity is all about looking for ways to help your business grow and stand out from the crowd. Of course, when it comes to running a business and striving to become a smart entrepreneur, you have to be open to both new approaches and ideas that can potentially help your business grow. 

This involves having an open mind and continuously learning and exploring. The more you learn, the more ideas you will explore, which can eventually help you improve your business skills, and ultimately, your business.


If you want your business to be successful, you must keep detailed records. This is the only way you will know where your business stands financially, whether you are making a profit or not. 

It can also help you know some of the challenges your business is facing. If you are making losses, you will be able to identify ways to minimize these losses while maximizing profits.


Without your customers, your business cannot exist. If you want your business to thrive, you must prioritize them. Offering excellent customer experience is one of the most crucial things you can do to improve your business’s chance of succeeding. 

Like SIXT’s CEO Erich SIXT so well put it, “We are not doing the customer a favor in our service. The customer is giving us the opportunity to do so.” Once you wrap your head around this principle, you will realize your business can only be driven by your customers’ satisfaction.


There is no way you will increase your business’s chance of success if you are physically and mentally unfit. You need to be mentally and physically fit to make the right decisions that will help your business grow. 

Take a day off to relax and unwind; read a book; do some exercise; meditate. Fortunately, making a business succeed is achievable. So long as you are focused, organized, consistent, know your competitors well, and keep detailed records, you are on the right track.

Research shows that only 25% of new businesses can last 15 years or more. Implement the above-mentioned business keys to success and be among that 25%. When your business is up and running, remember it’s only fair to give it the flexibility it needs. Register your company at SIXT and start navigating your business fleet from the comfort of the SIXT app.