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Productive, Progressive And Positive Lifestyle By @Surabhi Chourasia
Do you think that you can’t live your dreams, you don’t have a productive, progressive and positive lifestyle, or are you struggling with time management, organization skills, interpersonal skills, relationship and personal development? Do you fear that failure is your destiny?
Fear not, your dreams are your destiny!
Imagine yourself taking control of your life making it productive, organized and fulfilling with a positive and proactive attitude, strong and valuable relationship, a healthy lifestyle and phenomenal progress.
We are all here for a purpose. God Almighty has not created anything especially humans, the best of all creations, without any purpose. So what is the purpose of this life? It is to make our and others' lives happy and successful. Different people have different perceptions of happiness and success. But the fact is that there is a certain lifestyle that can give us true and eternal happiness and an everlasting success. What is this lifestyle? It is a lifestyle that is in flow with nature coupled with the unique capabilities and qualities that God Almighty has equipped humans with. All of us are born genius. Each one of us has got every capability to live an epic life. All we need to do is to activate these dormant qualities to tune into a successful, epic and awesome lifestyle. A productive, positive and phenomenal lifestyle. A lifestyle designed just for you!
There are a few factors that lead to a lack of productivity in the workplace, and one of the leading causes is a work environment that is negative and stifles creativity. So you need to look at creating a workspace that will give your employees a comfortable place where they can be productive and enthusiastic about their work. With that, here are eight tips to make your work environment healthier; both physically and mentally, and also assist you in increasing positivity and productivity.
As a manager, employer or supervisor, the way to increase engagement and productivity within your company depends on how you treat your employees and the work environment you offer them. Here are some of the tips you can implement:
It may sound counter-productive but openness, a space for productive sharing and disagreeing and competition, is great for business and a really good way to bring new ideas to life. Come up with ideas out of your comfort zone and see where the discussion goes on from there. You can also get your team to write related ideas on index cards to encourage lateral thinking. After that take the cards, hand them out, make your group read them out and encourage responses.
According to recent studies, the color green sparks inventiveness. You might not be able to paint the walls, but you could opt for items like backdrop, wall art, and ornaments within a green color scheme. You also should consider calming shades of green instead of the bright hues – sage and sea-foam green are the best options since they help you relax and spark your creativity.
To establish a productive working relationship with your team, you need to get to know each other. Look for ways to better communicate and if you have remote employees schedule regular video conferences so that they can all take part in the brainstorming sessions and meetings. At least some of the time you spend with employees should be spent chatting about hobbies, interests, plans and their family to learn more about each other and cement your relationships.
Employees need recognition and rewards for project milestones. It is a way of keeping the momentum up and their spirits high. Projects tend to be simple at first, but with time, they get difficult. So, set the milestones and reward them for each goal achieved. You should try sending them an email telling them how great they are doing, and acknowledge when they have reached a breakthrough. You will boost their egos and increase their productivity
Working closely on projects can create an incredible team dynamic; working within tight confines can be disastrous. Your employees need their space, where they can get easy access to the tools and equipment that they need, and still be able to work with other team members closely. A separate space for meetings and brainstorming often works well.
It is not healthy to sit in one spot the whole day. That is why companies today are choosing to invest in standing desks which allow employees to choose whether to sit or stand as they please, move around and keep their muscles active throughout the day. You can either get a full standing desk or a unit that sits on top of your regular desk.
It is your responsibility to create, develop and nurture the right kind of working environment so that your employees can function positively and productively within the company.
आपकी दिमागी सेहत को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं आपकी ये 10 गलत आदतें, बचकर रहें
These 10 Bad Habits of MBAs which can Harm Your Mental Health, Stay Safe
Habit #1: Habit of Eating Junk Food
Excessive consumption of junk food and sugar has a bad effect on the brain. Eating refined sugar slows down the development of the brain. The habit of eating junk-processed foods can affect your mental health. To improve your mental and physical health, instead of eating junk food, you should include foods rich in fiber, vitamins and whole grains. The type of diet we consume directly affects our overall health.
Habit #2: Smoking
Smoking is another horrible habit. It is one of the worst things you can do for your overall health, and that includes your brain health as well. Smoking damages blood vessels and causes chronic inflammation, which can lead to stroke and cognitive decline. People who smoke are also twice as likely to develop dementia. If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your brain (and your body).
Habit #3: Spending Too Much Time Alone
woman sitting on the couch alone
While we all crave alone time every now and then, socialization is important to your brain’s health. Spending too much time alone can be just as bad for your brain as not sleeping enough. When you’re constantly around other people, your brain gets stimulation from social interaction. But when you’re by yourself all the time, your brain doesn’t get that same stimulation. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and even dementia. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re spending time with friends and family regularly.
Habit #4: Being Too Stationary
Another habit that can damage your brain is not moving around enough. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, it’s time to make a change. Being too stationary can lead to all sorts of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. And all of these health problems can damage your brain and increase the risk of developing dementia. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re getting regular exercise. Even just walking for a half hour three times a week is enough.
Habit #5: Overeating
Overeating is another habit that can hurt your brain, even if you are eating healthy. Overeating has been associated with problems like memory loss and cognitive decline in older adults. However, the exact relationship between overeating and mental decline is still being researched to learn more. If you want to protect your brain, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet and practicing quantity control.
Habit #6: Insomnia-
People who don't get a good night's sleep have a higher risk than other people of developing mental health problems such as anxiety, stress and depression over time. Good sleep is important for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleep deprivation can affect your mood, energy levels, motivation and mental health. If you also have problems related to sleep, then definitely consult a specialist about this.
Habit #7: Blasting Your Headphones
man with hand to his ear to indicate hearing loss
Listening to music is a great way to relax and unwind. But if you blast your headphones, you could be damaging your hearing. Even as little as 30 minutes can cause hearing damage. And once you damage your hearing, it’s permanent. While hearing loss is a problem of its own, people with hearing loss are also more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Some researchers postulate that this is because the brain works too hard on hearing that it is unable to also store memories of what is being heard. Therefore, if you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re listening to music at a safe volume and for no more than a couple of hours at a time.
Habit #8: Spending Too Much Time in the Dark
If you spend too much time in the dark, your brain doesn’t get enough exposure to sunlight. This can lead to problems like seasonal affective disorder and depression. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re getting plenty of sunlight every day. Open those shades every now and then, and be sure to get outside from time to time.
Habit #9: Negative Thinking
Negative thinking is a habit that can damage your brain. When you’re constantly stressed and anxious, it takes a toll on your mental health. This can lead to problems like depression, anxiety, and even dementia. In fact, some research shows that people who dwell on the negative have more amyloid and tau deposits in their brain. These deposits are a key indicator of Alzheimer’s disease. Luckily, this is a relatively easy habit to change. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re thinking positive thoughts. In some cases, seeing a mental health provider may be beneficial if you are unable to change your thought process on your own.
Habit #10: Ignoring Your Health Issues
If you have a health problem, it’s important to see a doctor and get treatment. Ignoring your health issues can lead to serious problems down the road, including brain damage. For example, people who have untreated hypertension are more likely to develop dementia. Untreated depression and diabetes can also be harmful to your brain. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re seeing a doctor for all of your health concerns.
Screen Time increase
The habit of spending too much time on the screen can seriously affect your mental health. Several studies have found that people who spend more time on screens have a higher risk of developing disorders such as depression, Anxietyand brain fog, and negative emotions.
Inactive lifestyle-
Research has also found that breathing fresh air and being exposed to the sun are good for your brain. The habit of staying indoors can increase your risk of disorders like anxiety-stress.
Anger Habit-
People who have a habit of getting angry even on small things, their mind gradually stops working. When you are angry, your nerves are under pressure, which makes them weak. Due to this, the power of the brain starts decreasing.
These things make the mind sharp-
-Dark Chocolate
-Green Tea
- Pumpkin Seeds
आदत # 1: जंक फ़ूड खाने की आदत
जंक फूड और चीनी के अधिक सेवन से दिमाग पर बुरा असर पड़ता है। रिफाइंड चीनी खाने से दिमाग का विकास धीमा हो जाता है। जंक-प्रोसेस्ड फूड खाने की आदत आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित कर सकती है। अपने मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाने के लिए आपको जंक फूड खाने के बजाय फाइबर, विटामिन और साबुत अनाज से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों को शामिल करना चाहिए। हम जिस प्रकार के आहार का सेवन करते हैं उसका सीधा प्रभाव हमारे समग्र स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है।
आदत # 2: धूम्रपान
धूम्रपान एक और भयानक आदत है। यह आपके समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए सबसे खराब चीजों में से एक है, और इसमें आपका मस्तिष्क स्वास्थ्य भी शामिल है। धूम्रपान रक्त वाहिकाओं को नुकसान पहुंचाता है और पुरानी सूजन का कारण बनता है, जिससे स्ट्रोक और संज्ञानात्मक गिरावट हो सकती है। जो लोग धूम्रपान करते हैं, उनमें भी मनोभ्रंश विकसित होने की संभावना दोगुनी होती है। यदि आप धूम्रपान करते हैं, तो छोड़ना आपके मस्तिष्क (और आपके शरीर) के लिए सबसे अच्छी चीज है।
आदत #3: अकेले बहुत अधिक समय बिताना
अकेले सोफे पर बैठी महिला
जबकि हम सभी समय-समय पर अकेले रहने की लालसा रखते हैं, समाजीकरण आपके मस्तिष्क के स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। अकेले बहुत अधिक समय बिताना आपके मस्तिष्क के लिए उतना ही बुरा हो सकता है जितना कि पर्याप्त नींद न लेना। जब आप लगातार अन्य लोगों के आसपास होते हैं, तो आपके मस्तिष्क को सामाजिक संपर्क से उत्तेजना मिलती है। लेकिन जब आप हर समय अकेले रहते हैं, तो आपके दिमाग को वही उत्तेजना नहीं मिलती है। इससे अवसाद, चिंता और यहां तक कि मनोभ्रंश भी हो सकता है। अगर आप अपने दिमाग को स्वस्थ रखना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप नियमित रूप से दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ समय बिता रहे हैं।
आदत # 4: बहुत स्थिर होना
एक और आदत जो आपके मस्तिष्क को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है, वह है पर्याप्त रूप से हिलना-डुलना नहीं। यदि आपके पास एक गतिहीन जीवन शैली है, तो बदलाव करने का समय आ गया है। बहुत अधिक स्थिर रहने से मोटापा, हृदय रोग और मधुमेह सहित सभी प्रकार की स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। और ये सभी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं आपके मस्तिष्क को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं और मनोभ्रंश के विकास के जोखिम को बढ़ा सकती हैं। यदि आप अपने मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप नियमित व्यायाम कर रहे हैं। सप्ताह में तीन बार सिर्फ आधा घंटा टहलना भी काफी है।
आदत #5: ज्यादा खाना
अधिक भोजन करना एक और आदत है जो आपके मस्तिष्क को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है, भले ही आप स्वस्थ भोजन कर रहे हों। अधिक खाने को वृद्ध वयस्कों में स्मृति हानि और संज्ञानात्मक गिरावट जैसी समस्याओं से जोड़ा गया है। हालांकि, अधिक खाने और मानसिक गिरावट के बीच सटीक संबंध अभी भी अधिक जानने के लिए शोध किया जा रहा है। यदि आप अपने मस्तिष्क की रक्षा करना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप स्वस्थ आहार खा रहे हैं और मात्रा नियंत्रण का अभ्यास कर रहे हैं।
आदत #6: अनिद्रा-
जो लोग अच्छी रात की नींद नहीं लेते हैं, उनमें समय के साथ चिंता, तनाव और अवसाद जैसी मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के विकसित होने का जोखिम अन्य लोगों की तुलना में अधिक होता है। अच्छे मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने के लिए अच्छी नींद महत्वपूर्ण है। नींद की कमी आपके मूड, ऊर्जा के स्तर, प्रेरणा और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित कर सकती है। अगर आपको भी नींद से जुड़ी समस्या है तो इस बारे में किसी विशेषज्ञ से सलाह जरूर लें।
आदत #7: अपने हेडफ़ोन को नष्ट करना
श्रवण हानि का संकेत देने के लिए अपने कान पर हाथ रखने वाला आदमी
संगीत सुनना आराम करने और आराम करने का एक शानदार तरीका है। लेकिन अगर आप अपने हेडफोन को ब्लास्ट करते हैं, तो आप अपनी सुनने की क्षमता को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं। यहां तक कि 30 मिनट से भी कम समय में सुनने की क्षति हो सकती है। और एक बार जब आप अपनी सुनवाई को नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं, तो यह स्थायी होता है। जबकि बहरापन अपने आप में एक समस्या है, श्रवण हानि वाले लोगों में भी अल्जाइमर रोग विकसित होने की संभावना अधिक होती है। कुछ शोधकर्ता यह मानते हैं कि ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि मस्तिष्क सुनने पर बहुत मेहनत करता है कि वह जो सुना जा रहा है उसकी यादों को भी संग्रहीत करने में असमर्थ है। इसलिए, यदि आप अपने मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप सुरक्षित मात्रा में संगीत सुन रहे हैं और एक बार में कुछ घंटों से अधिक नहीं सुन रहे हैं।
आदत #8: अँधेरे में बहुत अधिक समय बिताना
यदि आप अँधेरे में बहुत अधिक समय बिताते हैं, तो आपके मस्तिष्क को सूर्य के प्रकाश के लिए पर्याप्त संपर्क नहीं मिल पाता है। इससे मौसमी उत्तेजित विकार और अवसाद जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। अगर आप अपने दिमाग को स्वस्थ रखना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आपको हर दिन भरपूर धूप मिले। उन रंगों को समय-समय पर खोलें, और समय-समय पर बाहर निकलना सुनिश्चित करें।
आदत #9: नकारात्मक सोच
नकारात्मक सोच एक आदत है जो आपके दिमाग को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है। जब आप लगातार तनावग्रस्त और चिंतित रहते हैं, तो यह आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर भारी पड़ता है। इससे अवसाद, चिंता और यहां तक कि मनोभ्रंश जैसी समस्याएं भी हो सकती हैं। वास्तव में, कुछ शोध से पता चलता है कि जो लोग नकारात्मक पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं उनके मस्तिष्क में अधिक अमाइलॉइड और ताऊ जमा होते हैं। ये जमा अल्जाइमर रोग का एक प्रमुख संकेतक हैं। सौभाग्य से, यह बदलने की अपेक्षाकृत आसान आदत है। यदि आप अपने मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखना चाहते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप सकारात्मक विचार सोच रहे हैं। कुछ मामलों में, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य प्रदाता को देखना फायदेमंद हो सकता है यदि आप अपनी विचार प्रक्रिया को स्वयं बदलने में असमर्थ हैं।
आदत #10: अपने स्वास्थ्य के मुद्दों को अनदेखा करना
यदि आपको कोई स्वास्थ्य समस्या है, तो डॉक्टर को दिखाना और उपचार प्राप्त करना महत्वपूर्ण है। अपने स्वास्थ्य के मुद्दों को अनदेखा करने से मस्तिष्क क्षति सहित गंभीर समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, जिन लोगों ने उच्च रक्तचाप का इलाज नहीं किया है, उनमें मनोभ्रंश विकसित होने की संभावना अधिक होती है।
स्क्रीन टाइम का बढ़ना-
स्क्रीन पर अधिक समय बिताने की आदत आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को गंभीर तौर से प्रभावित कर सकती है। कई अध्ययनों में पाया गया है कि स्क्रीन पर अधिक समय बिताने वाले लोगों में अवसाद, चिंता और ब्रेन फॉग जैसे विकारों और नकारात्मक भावनाओं के विकसित होने का जोखिम अधिक होता है।
इनएक्टिव लाइफ स्टाइल-
शोध में भी पाया गया है कि ताजी हवा में सांस लेना और सूरज के संपर्क में रहना आपके दिमाग के लिए अच्छा है। घर के अंदर रहने की आदत आपमें चिंता-तनाव जैसे विकारों के जोखिम को बढ़ा सकती है।
जंक फूड खाने की आदत-
जंक फूड और शुगर का अधिक सेवन दिमाग पर बुरा असर डालता है। रिफाइंड शुगर खाने से दिमाग का विकास धीमा हो जाता है। जंक-प्रोसेस्ड फूड्स खाने की आदत आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित कर सकती है। जंक फूड खाने की जगह अपने मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाने के लिए फाइबर, विटामिन से भरपूर और साबुत अनाज वाले खाद्य पदार्थों को शामिल करना चाहिए। हम जिस प्रकार के आहार का सेवन करते हैं वह सीधे तौर पर हमारे संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करती है।
नींद न आना-
जिन लोगों की रात की नींद पूरी नहीं होती है, उनमें समय के साथ चिंता-तनाव और अवसाद जैसी मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के विकसित होने का जोखिम अन्य लोगों की तुलना में अधिक होता है। मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाए रखने के लिए अच्छी नींद महत्वपूर्ण है। नींद न आना आपके मूड, ऊर्जा के स्तर, प्रेरणा और मानसिक सेहत को प्रभावित कर सकता है। यदि आपको भी नींद से संबंधित दिक्कत है तो इस बारे में किसी विशेषज्ञ से सलाह जरूर ले लें।
गुस्सा करने की आदत-
जिन लोगों को छोटी बातों पर भी गुस्सा करने की आदत होती है, उनका दिमाग धीरे-धीरे काम करना बंद कर देता है। जब आप गुस्सा करते हैं, तो आपकी नसों पर दबाव पड़ता है, जो उन्हें कमजोर बनाता है। इसके कारण दिमाग की ताकत कम होने लगती है।
दिमाग को तेज बनाती हैं ये चीजें-
-डार्क चॉकेलट
-ग्रीन टी
-कद्दू के बीज
The Ten Worst Habits for Your Mental Health
Bad exercise habits that affect your mental health include exercising irregularly or not at all, exercising to the point of exhaustion, practicing bad form, and ...
Lack of personal goals ...
Goal-oriented behavior is what activates our reward system. This has a huge influence on our mood and happiness.
What are the top 10 bad habits?
How bad habits affect your mental health?
What are 5 ways to stay mentally healthy?
What are the 20 bad habits?
Top 10 Bad Habits That Affect Your Mental Health
Just as bad habits can be harmful to your physical health, some bad habits can have a negative effect on your mental health.
20 Bad Habits Interfering with Your Mental
You're Not Working Out ...
We know exercise is a key element of keeping a healthy body. But, lack of exercise can mess with your mental health, ...
When it comes to mental health, these bad habits and patterns of thinking can be your worst enemy. Breaking bad habits takes considerable work
How Your Bad Habits Affect Your Health
This bad habit affects nearly every organ in your body. It can lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, bronchitis, emphysema, and other ...
It is a well-accepted fact that too much isolation is bad for our mental health, but not spending enough time alone can be equally detrimental.
Habits That Sabotage Your Mental Health
Instagram queens, listen up. Haphazardly snapping pictures may hamper how you remember those moments, according to a study published in Psychological Science.
10 Habits That Can Hurt Your Brain
Negative thinking is a habit that can damage your brain. When you're constantly stressed and anxious, it takes a toll on your mental health. This can lead to ..
Campus to Corporate is a life-changing Transformation, and while it is possible that you may go back to studying for a while, it marks the beginning of your adulthood. It is a life transition that is exciting because you get to work in your dream job, earn money and enjoy spending it as you wish! Yet, it also marks all the responsibilities and duties that come with a job. From the carefree world of campus to corporate routine; a lot of changes.
Colleges and universities play a very vital role to make students ready for facing more challenges in their corporate life. It ensures a smooth transition from academics to a professional environment, which is a result of a well-structured interface with the industry & corporate world. This system opens an arena of opportunities for students in various sectors of the corporate and industrial world. To enable the students to make the best of these opportunities, students are put through rigorous corporate programs which run concurrent to their academic programs along with close mentorship activities.
The biggest thing you sacrifice when you move from campus to corporate is your comfort zone. You ruled your time, and what you did with it, now you need to adhere to work timings and calls from work at all times of the day. You need to miss out on friend's events, sleep in early to wake up for early morning presentations and a ton of other things. The key is to be mentally prepared and start doing small things to make your life disciplined and easy. If you woke up late in college life, you always had the chance to miss the first lecture and join the next one. But when you move from college to corporate life, you must be at the office on time every day. You need a reason and motivation to wake up each morning, and therefore you should have career goals. They will help you to realize why you are putting in the hard work and what you need out of your life and career. You were probably a prankster in college and very friendly with a large group of friends who you made fun of. Things are going to change once you move from college to corporate. You should always learn to ask what’s okay, even small things like what to address someone as. Don’t abuse in the workplace and be careful of what you say in WhatsApp Groups. Every move of yours will be reflective of you as a professional. During college life you might have abused your influence and got way with getting your work done by your juniors or teammates. But in an office, you are the junior most person and the one with the responsibility of making a good impression. When you transition from college to corporate, you need to learn to develop good work ethics like being responsible, sticking to deadlines, doing honest work, ensuring transparency and taking up the blame when you have messed up.
The biggest problem when moving from college to corporate is the stress that accompanies you. You will face the immense crunch of time, and therefore you need to learn to de-stress properly. One of the best first job tips we can give you is that you should maintain a hobby. The hobby gives you time to relax and get away from any stress. Manage to make time for family and friends and indulge in self-care. The most exciting part of the life transition from college to corporate is money. The Salary Credit message at the beginning of every month means a whole lot of opportunities to have fun. But, be careful and learn how to save and invest the money. You may require money for emergencies, or to take care of your family, or even for your future studies. Learn to manage money well right from your first job itself. A fresher’s outlook to organization is vital to make progressions in your career. In this way, you will know the paths that you did not know and discover choices that help you grow up. Corporates prefer candidates who are open to moving places for work. So, it is important that one remains flexible to take a step forward to accept opportunities of growth by moving places for work and giving a boost to their career.
Transition is an on-going process in everyone’s life that takes place at different stages. This might be from the final years of school to the early years of higher education, occupational training, independent living or social opportunities. Also it can be from the final years of college/campus to the early years of one’s career. Transition from campus to career needs more attention as it involves a lot of planning. Planning for transition should take account of the personal goals and ambitions of the young person. The objective of the planning must ensure that the person possesses the necessary skills to enable the person to cope up with the corporate culture and climate.
Campus life and corporate life are fundamentally different. The domain expertise and knowledge acquired will be very essential to succeed in one’s career but the procedure to be successful on campus is very different from the procedure to be successful at work. If one continues to have the same expectations from his employer as he/she had from the professors in the campus, one will be highly disappointed and damage the career success as the culture of education is so different from the organizational culture.
As a newcomer one needs to look at his career as a great challenge. From the beginning of the career look forward to learning new things and building the bridge between technical skills and soft skills; one needs to stay connected to the people and the organization. For a debut, display of accountability, professionalism and credibility helps to face the challenges in the corporate world. Making a successful transition from campus to corporate is the most exciting and phenomenal step in one’s life and that should be handled with utmost care
People speak without a sound. It’s true. Consider the evolution of humans through millions of years in which we used to convey our thoughts and messages only through facial expressions, grumps and grunts. The invention of language is very recent when compared to the cosmic scale. So it’s only natural that we read attitudes through expressions, and voice tones and inflexions. And that’s why the author states: “When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow”
According to the author, there are three attitudes that we need to grow:
First is, the “I’m activated” attitude – one of the basic principles of successful living. According to this, to activate others, I must first activate myself; be enthusiastic myself. “A man who lacks enthusiasm never develops it in other”. And to no surprise, results come in proportion to the enthusiasm applied. But how can I develop this “power of enthusiasm”? There’s a three-step procedure that the author describes.
1.Dig into it deeper. When I find something uninteresting, I should dig in and learn more about it.
2.Life up everything about you: your smile, your handshake, your talk, even your walk.
3.Broadcast good news. No one ever accomplished anything positive telling bad news.
Second is the “You-are-important” attitude. Everyone wants to feel important. Yes, everyone – your neighbour, you, your friend, your boss – has a natural desire to feel they are “somebody”. Scientists estimate the probability of my being born is about 400 trillion to 1. That’s a pretty big number. This proves what the author states – “A person is a biological rarity”. Hence the other person is important to me, regardless of his income or status. “People do more for you when you make them feel important”. I just have to make sure that I remember the things mentioned by the author: Show appreciation at every opportunity and call people by name. I have experienced that complimenting people, even on little things, makes a huge difference.
Third, and final attitude to grow is the Service First attitude. The author describes how by putting service first, the money always takes care of itself. If I want a raise, I’ll have to work for it, not the other way around. As the author puts it “you don’t get a raise on the promise of better performance; you get a raise only by demonstrating better performance.” He also talks about giving people more than what they expect to get.
Only by doing a little more, going that last mile, giving a little extra can I let the other person know that I mean business. He suggests that each day I ask this question: “How can I give more than is expected of me?” Because each little extra thing I do for others is a “money seed”. Money seeds grow money. So, I agree with the author’s statement at the end – “Plant service and harvest money”
Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.
In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land, labor, natural resources and capital can generate a profit. The entrepreneurial vision is defined by discovery and risk-taking and is an indispensable part of a nation’s capacity to succeed in an ever-changing and more competitive global marketplace.
Why Entrepreneurship is so Hard
There are no simple rules or a checklist that can ensure your success as an entrepreneur. It’s tough to capture the nuances of running a business. But here are some tips: -
Building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. It needs patience, consistency, and momentum each day.
Know that it’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to ask for help.
Founders need to find their balance and learn how to stay grounded. Things will get out whack and there is only so much you can do to exercise control.
If you feel stuck or you’re lost or confused, always go back to your “why” to help you get back on track.
If someone asked me what the hardest part about being an entrepreneur is, I would say making decisions and knowing when I am right or when I am wrong. Each day in our businesses, we are forced to make decisions on market conditions, prices, costs, and accepting or declining business deals.
There’s no doubt that entrepreneurship is hard. It takes a lot of guts, determination and perseverance to start your own business. But what makes it all worth it is the sense of accomplishment you feel when you finally achieve success.
So why do so many people choose to become accomplished entrepreneurs? The answer is simple – because they want to be their own boss, make their own decisions and control their own destiny. They want to create something new and see it grow into something successful. And they know that if they work hard enough, anything is possible.
But being a flourishing entrepreneur isn’t easy – there are plenty of challenges along the way. You have to be able to handle failure, cope with stress and keep going when things get tough. You need thick skin and a lot of self-belief, because not everyone will believe in your idea or support your venture. It can be lonely at the top sometimes too!
But if you have the passion and drive for entrepreneurship, nothing can stop you from achieving success – no matter how hard it may seem at times
But Entrepreneurship Matters!!!
Discover the power of entrepreneurship and how it shapes the world around us.
Some of the most famous people in the world are entrepreneurs. Whether they’ve created world-famous brands, conceived brilliant ideas, or introduced ground-breaking technology, entrepreneurs contribute immensely to society. And they’re usually recognized for their life-changing work.
But not every entrepreneur is famous, nor do they have to be. At its core, entrepreneurship is starting a new business. And regardless of how big or small a business is, its contributions are important.
So, let’s take a look at two of the reasons why entrepreneurship matters, and how it helps improve quality of life for consumers.
1.Growing the economy.
When entrepreneurs create successful products (or services), the economy is stimulated. This is because new ventures can lead to:
•Higher rates of employment
•More efficient use of resources
•Faster generation of wealth
For these reasons, many national economies categorize entrepreneurship as a highly valuable asset. Japan, Germany, and the United States are leading countries for entrepreneurial development. It’s no surprise then that all three rank among the top five wealthiest countries in the world (according to GDP).
2.Solving problems.
Innovation drives entrepreneurship. For example, where other people see manual processes, entrepreneurs see digital solutions. And with technology’s help, successful entrepreneurs discover ways to solve problems that the world’s current products and services can’t.
In this way, entrepreneurs are largely responsible for our contemporary creature comforts. Our latest inventions. And our most advanced technological developments.