Gain More Subcribers and Views in Youtube

Gain More Subcribers and Views in Youtube

Gaining more subscribers and views on YouTube requires a combination of consistent effort, high-quality content, audience engagement, and strategic promotion. Here are some tips to help you grow your YouTube channel:

Create High-Quality Content: 

Focus on producing content that is valuable, entertaining, and well-produced. Know your target audience and tailor your videos to their interests. Invest in good equipment and editing software to improve video and audio quality.

Be Consistent: 

Develop a regular upload schedule so that your subscribers know when to expect new content. Consistency helps build anticipation and keeps viewers engaged.

Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions: 

Use catchy, keyword-rich titles and detailed descriptions that accurately represent your video content. This will make your videos more discoverable through search engines and YouTube's algorithm.

Utilize Eye-Catching Thumbnails: 

Thumbnails are the first thing viewers see, so create visually appealing and relevant thumbnails to entice people to click on your videos.

Engage with Your Audience: 

Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage viewers to subscribe and like your videos. Building a community around your channel will increase engagement and loyalty.

Collaborate with Other YouTubers: 

Collaborating with other creators can introduce your channel to a new audience. Look for creators with similar content or interests to collaborate with.

Promote on Social Media: 

Share your videos on your social media platforms, like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Engage with communities that have an interest in your niche.

Utilize YouTube Analytics: 

Keep track of your channel's performance using YouTube Analytics. This will help you understand your audience better, identify trends, and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Create Playlists: 

Organize your videos into playlists, making it easier for viewers to navigate your content and stay on your channel for longer.

Use End Screens and Cards: 

Utilize YouTube's end screens and cards to encourage viewers to subscribe, watch other videos, or visit external links.

Host Giveaways or Contests: Offering giveaways or running contests can incentivize people to subscribe and engage with your channel.

Follow YouTube Guidelines: 

Adhere to YouTube's community guidelines and copyright rules. Violations can lead to penalties or the termination of your channel.

Study and Adapt: 

Pay attention to what types of videos perform well and what your audience responds to. Continually evolve your content strategy based on the data and feedback you receive.

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All best Ways To Get More Subscribers on YouTube  

Tip #1: Create very Engaging and very Informative real Content.

Tip #2: Create and Publish New Creative Videos as frequent as possible

Tip #3: Optimize your YouTube Videos with keywords.

Tip #4: Optimize your YouTube Channel.

Tip #5: Create High Quality unique  Videos.

See Samples of Video You can make and Upload on  YouTube  

Pay attention to what types of videos perform well and what your audience responds to. Continually evolve your content strategy based on the data and feedback you receive.

Increasing subscribers and views on YouTube requires a combination of effective strategies, including creating engaging content, optimizing video metadata, promoting your channel, and engaging with your audience. Utilizing relevant keywords is essential for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and can help your videos reach a wider audience. Below, I've compiled a list of keyword-related tips to help you gain more subscribers and views on YouTube:

Keyword Research: Use keyword research tools (e.g., Google Keyword Planner, TubeBuddy, VidIQ) to identify popular and relevant keywords in your niche. Target keywords with a good balance of search volume and competition.

Title Optimization: Craft compelling and keyword-rich video titles. Ensure that the primary keyword appears early in the title to catch viewers' attention and improve search ranking.

Description: Write detailed and informative video descriptions, including your target keywords naturally. Use the description to explain what your video is about and provide relevant links or social media profiles.

Tags: Add relevant tags to your videos. Use a mix of broad and specific keywords related to your content to improve discoverability.

Thumbnail: Design eye-catching and custom thumbnails that accurately represent your video's content. A great thumbnail can attract more clicks and views.

Engaging Content: Create high-quality, valuable, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. The more entertaining or helpful your videos are, the more likely viewers will subscribe and share.

Consistency: Stick to a consistent uploading schedule to keep your subscribers engaged. Regularly posting new content builds anticipation and encourages viewers to come back for more.

Collaborations: Collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche. Partnering with influencers can expose your channel to a new audience and gain more subscribers.

Promotion on Social Media: Share your videos on various social media platforms to drive more traffic to your channel. Leverage the power of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit to reach a broader audience.

Ask for Subscriptions and Engagement: Encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel and like, comment, and share your videos. A clear call-to-action can boost audience engagement.

Playlists: Organize your videos into playlists based on relevant topics. Playlists help keep viewers on your channel longer, leading to increased watch time and better search rankings.

Respond to Comments: Engage with your audience by responding to comments on your videos. Building a community around your channel fosters loyalty and encourages more interactions.

YouTube Analytics: Regularly review your YouTube Analytics to understand what content performs well and what doesn't. This data can help you refine your content strategy.

Cross-Promotion: Collaborate or mention other content creators in your videos, and they might do the same for you. This cross-promotion can introduce your channel to new viewers.

Put a lot of effort into your Thumbnails, many people don't really look at the title and look more at the Thumbnail, and if they articulate the video well and look good, they'll think the video was high effort, even Only this cannot happen.

Put effort into your titles as well, and try to make them as recognizable as possible without sounding clickbaiting (more on that later). Some people look more at the titles rather than the Thumbnails, and decide whether they like the video or not, so try to make it vague but not false.

Clickbait no. Case. What. Clickbaiting is when you present a video title/Thumbnail as something, then completely deceive the viewer and either give different or fake content. For example, someone might make their title "Talking to the Richest Man on Earth," then simply play a video game. People will lose faith in the authenticity of your videos, which will make them stop watching. 

Create content that people will actually want to keep watching. I'm 99% sure youtube only counts a view if the person stays for a certain percentage of the video. To keep an audience watching, try to create content that people actually enjoy. I can't tell specifically on this, but you should look around youtube to see the most popular types of videos currently, and then maybe you can create a similar type of content.

Make sure that there is no theft of any kind of material. You can do a similar type of content (like a variety of shorts), but don't steal the exact video from someone else. This can result in a copyright strike and, after a number of times, may remove your access from uploading the video.

Most of all Have Fun. Videos that you don't enjoy making won't yield much results because you didn't put much effort into making the video because you didn't enjoy making it. If you don't enjoy making videos, try a different type of content to what you do.

Remember, building a successful YouTube channel takes time and dedication. Focus on providing value to your viewers, and the growth will come naturally over time. Be patient and stay committed to your channel's goals.

Lessons for Business LeadersNavigating the Path to Success All Essential Lessons for Business Leaders

Author Name: Capt Shekhar Gupta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management Other Details

"Lessons for Business Leaders" by Capt Shekhar Gupta is an insightful and practical guide designed to empower business leaders with essential strategies and wisdom for success in today's dynamic and competitive landscape. In this concise and engaging book, Capt Shekhar Gupta draws from his extensive experience as an accomplished business leader and shares invaluable lessons learned from his journey. Capt Shekhar Gupta explores crucial aspects of leadership, su


#youtube, #views, #handmade, #landscape, #subscribers, #andratuttobene, #youtubersindonesia,

How To Run Successful Small WFH Business #SmallBusiness #Start-Up #wfh #SuccessMantra #Entrepreneurship #Team

How To Run Successful Small WFH Business  

Running a successful small work-from-home (WFH) business requires careful planning, organization, and effective management. Here are some key tips to help you build and run a successful WFH business:

Define your Business Goals: 

Clearly define your business objectives and what you want to achieve. Set realistic and measurable goals to guide your efforts and track your progress.

Identify a viable niche: 

Choose a niche or target market for your business that has demand and growth potential. Conduct market research to understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and competition.

Create a business plan: 

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your business's structure, marketing strategies, financial projections, and growth plans. A business plan will help you stay focused and make informed decisions.

Build a professional online presence: 

Establish a strong online presence through a professional website, social media profiles, and other relevant online platforms. Ensure your branding, messaging, and visuals are consistent across all channels.

Set up a productive workspace: 

Designate a dedicated workspace in your home that is conducive to productivity. Keep it organized, free from distractions, and equipped with the necessary tools and technology for your business.

Invest in reliable technology and infrastructure: Invest in reliable internet connectivity, computers, software, and other essential tools required to run your business efficiently. Use secure and collaborative communication platforms to stay connected with your team and clients.

Develop a routine and stick to it: 

Establish a daily routine that allows you to manage your time effectively. Set specific working hours, take regular breaks, and create a work-life balance to avoid burnout.

Build a talented remote team: 

If your business requires a team, carefully select and onboard remote employees who possess the necessary skills and can work independently. Foster a positive and collaborative virtual work environment through regular communication and effective project management.

Prioritize effective communication: Communication is vital in a remote work setting. Utilize video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management tools to maintain effective communication with your team and clients. Encourage regular check-ins and provide constructive feedback.

Implement efficient workflows and processes: Streamline your business operations by implementing efficient workflows and processes. Automate repetitive tasks, use project management tools to track progress, and establish clear guidelines and protocols for your team.

Continuously learn and adapt: Stay updated with industry trends, changes in your target market, and advancements in technology. Continuously invest in learning and professional development to enhance your skills and adapt to evolving business needs.

Focus on customer satisfaction: Prioritize customer satisfaction by providing exceptional products or services, promptly addressing customer inquiries or concerns, and seeking feedback to improve your offerings.

Monitor and analyze performance: Regularly track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the progress of your business. Identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Stay motivated and resilient: Running a small business can be challenging, so it's important to stay motivated and resilient. Surround yourself with a support network, celebrate milestones, and learn from setbacks to keep moving forward.

Remember, building a successful WFH business takes time, effort, and dedication. Stay focused, adapt to changes, and continuously strive for growth and improvement.

#SmallBusiness  #Start-Up  #wfh #SuccessMantra  #Entrepreneurship  #Team

The Essential Guide to Healthy Eating Navigating Good and Bad Diets

The Essential Guide to Healthy Eating

Navigating Good and Bad Diets

Chapter 1

Understanding the Basics of Nutrition

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

Micronutrients: Vitamins and minerals

Water and Hydration

Chapter 2: 

Building a Strong Foundation

Caloric needs and energy balance

Determining your Nutritional requirements

Portion control and mindful eating

ReadingFfood labels

Chapter 3: 

Good Diets: Key Principles

The Mediterranean Diet

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet

Plant-based and vegetarian Diets

Flexitarian and pescatarian Diets

Intermittent fasting

Chapter 4: 

Bad Diets: Red Flags and Risks

Fad Diets and their pitfalls

Crash Diets and rapid weight loss

Extreme low-carb and high-Protein Diets

Detox and cleanse Diets

Liquid-only Diets

Chapter 5: 

Finding What Works for You

Individualized approaches to Dieting

Assessing your lifestyle and Dietary preferences

Customizing your meal plan

Seeking professional guidance (Nutritionist, Dietitian)

Chapter 6: 

The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity

Importance of regular exercise for overall health

Combining Diet and exercise for weight management

Best types of exercises for different goals

Balancing calorie intake and expenditure

Chapter 7: 

Overcoming Challenges and Staying on Track

Dealing with cravings and emotional eating

Healthy snacking and meal prepping

Strategies for dining out and social events

Coping with setbacks and maintaining motivation

Chapter 8: 

Long-Term Success and Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Creating healthy habits

Setting realistic goals

Tracking progress and celebrating achievements

Maintaining a positive mindset

Chapter 9: 

Addressing Common Dietary Concerns

Allergies andFfood intolerances

Special Dietary considerations (e.g., gluten-free, lactose-free)

Managing chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, high cholesterol)

Healthy eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Chapter 10: 

Beyond Diet: Holistic Approaches to Health

Importance of sleep and stress management

Mindfulness and mindful eating practices

Supporting overall well-being through self-care

Incorporating joy and balance into your lifestyle

Conclusion: Embracing a Sustainable and Balanced Approach to Nutrition

This Book The Essential Guide to Healthy Eating  Navigating Good and Bad Diets provides a general overview of Good and Bad Diets, emphasizing the importance of balanced Nutrition and a sustainable approach to Healthy Eating. It aims to empower readers to make informed decisions about their Dietary choices while promoting long-term health and well-being. 

For personalized Dietary advice, readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified healthcare professional.



#Carbohydrates, ,









A story of "The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and its Impact on Team Performance"

A story of 

"The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and its Impact on Team Performance"

Once there was a technology company called Innovatech Solutions. At Innovatech, the employees worked tirelessly to develop cutting-edge software solutions. However, the company faced numerous challenges due to a lack of cohesion among team members and a high turnover rate. Determined to turn things around, the CEO, Rebecca, recognized the need to harness the power of emotional intelligence in leadership.

Rebecca was an extraordinary leader who understood the profound impact of emotional intelligence on team performance. She possessed an innate ability to connect with others, empathize with their emotions, and foster a positive work environment. With a vision to create a cohesive and high-performing team, she embarked on a journey to cultivate emotional intelligence within herself and her employees.

Rebecca began by promoting self-awareness among her team members. Through team-building exercises and reflective discussions, she encouraged individuals to explore their own emotions, strengths, and areas for growth. This self-awareness allowed team members to understand how their emotions could impact their interactions with others and their overall performance.

Recognizing the importance of empathy, Rebecca implemented an open-door policy. She actively listened to her employees' concerns, showed genuine care and understanding, and sought to find solutions that addressed their needs. By demonstrating empathy, she built strong relationships and created a supportive culture where team members felt valued, respected, and understood.

Rebecca's emotional intelligence also played a pivotal role in conflict resolution. Whenever conflicts arose within the team, she approached them with empathy and a desire to understand the underlying emotions and perspectives of each individual involved. Through open communication and active listening, she helped team members express their concerns and guided them towards mutually beneficial resolutions. This approach not only resolved conflicts but also strengthened the trust and camaraderie among the team.

As Rebecca's emotional intelligence grew, she recognized the importance of effective communication. She encouraged open and honest dialogue, creating an environment where team members felt safe to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Through clear and transparent communication, she ensured that everyone was aligned with the company's vision, goals, and expectations. This clarity of communication fostered a sense of unity, purpose, and shared responsibility among the team members.

Rebecca's efforts did not go unnoticed. The positive impact of emotional intelligence on team performance was evident. The once-disjointed team at Innovatech transformed into a tightly knit group, collaborating seamlessly and delivering exceptional results. Morale improved, productivity soared, and the turnover rate decreased significantly. Innovatech became known not only for its innovative software solutions but also for its positive work culture driven by emotional intelligence.

The success of Innovatech caught the attention of other companies in Prospera. Rebecca's leadership style became a shining example of the power of emotional intelligence in driving team performance. Inspired by her success, other leaders in the city began to prioritize emotional intelligence in their own organizations, creating a ripple effect that transformed the corporate landscape.

As the years passed, Innovatech continued to flourish under Rebecca's guidance. The company thrived, attracting top talent and earning accolades for its exceptional team performance. Rebecca's unwavering commitment to emotional intelligence in leadership had not only impacted the success of Innovatech but had also left a lasting legacy in the hearts of her team members, forever inspiring them to lead with empathy, understanding, and a focus on emotional intelligence.

And so, the story of Innovatech and Rebecca's leadership journey serves as a timeless reminder of the incredible power of emotional intelligence. Through self-awareness, empathy, effective communication, and conflict resolution, leaders can create cohesive and high-performing teams that achieve remarkable results. In the world of business, where success depends on collaboration and teamwork, emotional intelligence stands as a cornerstone for lasting achievement and growth.

Kajol Kapura Soren

HR Head







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Lessons for Business LeadersNavigating the Path to Success All Essential Lessons for Business Leaders

Author Name: Capt Shekhar Gupta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management Other Details

"Lessons for Business Leaders" by Capt Shekhar Gupta is an insightful and practical guide designed to empower business leaders with essential strategies and wisdom for success in today's dynamic and competitive landscape. In this concise and engaging book, Capt Shekhar Gupta draws from his extensive experience as an accomplished business leader and shares invaluable lessons learned from his journey. Capt Shekhar Gupta explores crucial aspects of leadership, such as effective communication, strategic thinking, team building, and decision-making. He provides practical advice on building a strong organizational culture, fostering innovation, and adapting to change. Each lesson is backed by real-world examples, making it easy for readers to apply the principles to their own business challenges.

Capt Shekhar Gupta also emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-motivation. He delves into the significance of emotional intelligence, resilience, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term success.

"Lessons for Business Leaders" serves as a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs, mid-level managers, and seasoned executives seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities and drive sustainable growth. Capt Shekhar Gupta's practical insights and profound wisdom make this book an indispensable resource for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of the modern business world with confidence and effectiveness.

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#leader,   #leaderships #skills #potential #inspire #greatness #lead #confidence #personal #growth #professional #development #communication #businesscoach #business

#leadershipskills #unleashyourpotential #inspiregreatness #leadwithconfidence #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #communication #businesscoach #business

@Kajol Kapura S  @Payal Rowdy  @anjali tomar

@shekhar Gupta

Seasoned Leader or Aspiring Manager to take on Leadership Roles

Seasoned Leader or Aspiring Manager to take on Leadership Roles 

Developing these Basic  Skills will Unlock Your True Leadership Potential

Effective Communication: 

Emotional Intelligence: 

Decision Making: 

Problem Solving: 


Empowerment and Delegation: 

Time Management: 

Conflict Resolution: 

Leading by Example: 

Building and Motivating Teams: 

Visionary Thinking: 

Are you a new Manager or Leader 

Then this post is for you 👇

Becoming a successful Leader requires a combination of innate qualities, learned skills, and continuous self-improvement. Whether you are a seasoned Leader or an aspiring manager, focusing on the following basic skills will help unlock your true leadership potential:

Effective Communication: 

Strong communication skills are essential for any leader. Practice active listening, articulate your thoughts clearly, and be open to feedback. Being able to convey your vision, expectations, and feedback effectively will inspire trust and motivate your team.

Emotional Intelligence: 

Leaders need to be in tune with their emotions and those of others. Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing your own emotions and empathizing with the emotions of your team members. This skill helps build better relationships and fosters a positive work environment.

Decision Making: 

Leaders are often faced with complex decisions. Develop the ability to analyze situations, gather relevant information, and make well-informed decisions in a timely manner. Be prepared to take calculated risks when necessary.

Problem Solving: 

As a leader, you'll encounter various challenges. Cultivate your problem-solving skills by identifying root causes, exploring alternative solutions, and implementing effective strategies to overcome obstacles.


In today's fast-paced world, adaptability is crucial. Embrace change, remain flexible, and be willing to adjust your approach as circumstances evolve.

Empowerment and Delegation: 

Learn to trust and empower your team members. Delegate tasks according to their strengths and provide the necessary support. Effective delegation allows you to focus on higher-level responsibilities and fosters a sense of ownership among your team.

Time Management: 

Prioritize tasks and manage your time efficiently. Setting clear goals and deadlines for yourself and your team will enhance productivity and ensure that important tasks are completed on time.

Conflict Resolution: 

Conflict is a natural part of any team dynamic. Develop skills to resolve conflicts constructively and diplomatically. Encourage open communication to address issues promptly and prevent escalation.

Leading by Example: 

Be a role model for your team. Demonstrate the values and work ethic you expect from others. Leading by example creates a positive impact and builds respect among your team members.

Continuous Learning: 

Leadership development is an ongoing process. Stay curious and committed to learning new things. Attend workshops, read books, seek mentors, and gather insights from experienced leaders to improve your leadership abilities continually.

Building and Motivating Teams: 

Foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where team members feel valued and motivated. Recognize and celebrate their achievements, provide constructive feedback, and create opportunities for growth and development.

Visionary Thinking: 

Develop a clear vision for your team or organization's future. Communicate this vision to your team and inspire them to work together towards achieving common goals.

Remember, leadership is not about a title; it's about the ability to inspire and influence others positively. By honing these basic leadership skills, you can unlock your true leadership potential and make a meaningful impact on your team and organization.

✨ Whether You are a Seasoned Leader or Aspiring Manager to take on Leadership Roles, developing these Basc  Skills will unlock your True Leadership Potential.

Invest in your growth, hone your skill set, and become the exceptional Leader you are meant to be!

👉 A bit about me:

Kajol Kapura Soren

HR Head







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Lessons for Business LeadersNavigating the Path to Success All Essential Lessons for Business Leaders

Author Name: Capt Shekhar Gupta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management Other Details

"Lessons for Business Leaders" by Capt Shekhar Gupta is an insightful and practical guide designed to empower business leaders with essential strategies and wisdom for success in today's dynamic and competitive landscape. In this concise and engaging book, Capt Shekhar Gupta draws from his extensive experience as an accomplished business leader and shares invaluable lessons learned from his journey. Capt Shekhar Gupta explores crucial aspects of leadership, such as effective communication, strategic thinking, team building, and decision-making. He provides practical advice on building a strong organizational culture, fostering innovation, and adapting to change. Each lesson is backed by real-world examples, making it easy for readers to apply the principles to their own business challenges.

Capt Shekhar Gupta also emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-motivation. He delves into the significance of emotional intelligence, resilience, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term success.

"Lessons for Business Leaders" serves as a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs, mid-level managers, and seasoned executives seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities and drive sustainable growth. Capt Shekhar Gupta's practical insights and profound wisdom make this book an indispensable resource for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of the modern business world with confidence and effectiveness.

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#leader,   #leaderships #skills #potential #inspire #greatness #lead #confidence #personal #growth #professional #development #communication #businesscoach #business

#leadershipskills #unleashyourpotential #inspiregreatness #leadwithconfidence #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #communication #businesscoach #business

@Kajol Kapura S  @Payal Rowdy  @anjali tomar

@shekhar Gupta