All Good Habits that will keep Your Brain Young By Nehha S Kotharie Soft Skills Trainer

All Good Habits that will keep Your Brain Young 

By Nehha S Kotharie Soft Skills Trainer

5 Habits that will keep Your Brain Young 

By Nehha S Kotharie 

Soft skills Trainer


  1. Health and Nutrition 

Most people know that proper nutrition and health are directly related. Therefore, try to stick to a healthy diet. For instance, drink coffee less often, especially before going to bed, replacing it with green tea or natural juice. Poor eating is directly connected to low energy and moodiness. One way to improve your health—and increase your productivity—is to make a habit of adding a few high impact foods to your daily diet, he says. Stick to foods that come directly from nature and aren't processed.

 2) Exercise 

Plan your attack before entering the gym. Plan the time you will be going to the gym, put it in your schedule, have your clothes ready and put your phone on silent.  A great suggestion to make your workouts short yet effective are incorporating your cardio within your workout.  Tabata is an excellent and effective way to accomplish this.

Or Attempt to get into the habit of doing some physical exercise every day, for at least 20 minutes. In a short time, you will feel a burst of energy, and it will be much easier to handle stress. 

 3) New Knowledge and Skills 

It is vital not to let your brain relax for long periods of time. Instead, try to constantly load it with some useful information. It helps you get new and knowledge-based perspectives on the world around you. It helps you gain new experiences, trains your brain to handle a wide range of challenges, and keeps your neural pathways active. All these factors combine to keep you healthy.

 4) Healthy Sleep 

As an entrepreneur who loses practical sleep time, often resorts to poor decision making, sleep deprived entrepreneurs are unable to hold their thoughts together and resort to making risky decisions. In the face of fierce competition, market fluctuations, entrepreneurs have to be on their toes and at the top of the game which needs an alert sharp mind that could be honed only with a complete sleep cycle. Researchers say sleep helps the subconscious mind analyze the task at hand that results in informed choices and decisions.

 5) Social Activity 

According to one study, the intellectual capacity of people who preferred to lead a secluded life was reduced by about 70% in relation to sociable people.

Nehha s Kotharie

Soft Skills Trainer, Graphologist, Parenting Coach


All Good Habits that will keep Your Brain Young 

By Nehha S Kotharie 

Soft Skills Trainer 

#Health and #Nutrition 


#NewKnowledge and #Skills 



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